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About Santiago

  • Rank
    GTFO Loc
  • Birthday 03/07/1990

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    New Jersey


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  1. Santiago


    So know that the PS4 has the party party, are you switching Brian? Edit: Just noticed ch-at is changed to party. I know I'm late since I haven't been active.
  2. I think the payout will range from 50k-75k since it's split or whatever. They will raise it on those 2x weekend events and some heist related events. The job points for a heist is what I was thinking too since there is no use for them in the game at the moment.
  3. Heists have been so hyped up that when we do get them, it'll be disappointing. I only hope we get good amounts of cash from them but R* wants us to buy Shark Cards for money so I don't expect it to give us that much.
  4. It's not like we're getting heists anytime soon.
  5. He's an Assassin turned Templar. And it takes place during AC4 - AC3. I would get this version if I didn't own a PS4. I'll watch Let's Plays I guess. Edit: No multiplayer for Rogue.
  6. It's a game full of bullshit and sometimes, miracles. Let's hope one of those miracles is Colombia winning against Ivory Coast tomorrow.
  7. I got bored after playing just 3 hours of it. Let's hope there is more to add in the final release.
  8. I got accepted into the beta. Can I stream or is it against EAs code?
  9. Santiago


    Single player footage of Assassin's Creed: Unity. Oh my God, the new animations are beast.
  10. The side flip at :40 The AI, the physics ( chair falling at :57 ), the graphics, the gameplay! This looks like an AC worth buying. Unless Ubisoft pulls out a Watch_Dogs on us again.
  11. Santiago


    What's wrong with modding. It adds replayability to a game. Although, modding like they are doing in this case is hacking.
  12. The only way to play stealthy is to headshot a person, let the other person see and wait until they come and headshot them. Move on and repeat. I beat the game mainly hacking and playing stealthy. The ending did not make sense at all. The story and hints and the end were really good though.
  13. Yeah the animations look identical to AC2. But the gameplay is what makes this game looks fun.
  14. Assassin's Dogs: Watch Creed confirmed.
  15. I like how this topic is 111 pages long and Skyrim released on 11-11-11. Also, I wish I had Skyrim for the PC. *sigh*