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Everything posted by Santiago

  1. Can anybody tell me what the wall said where the gang members was standing. The one with the bike and the other two.
  2. The driving of the car might depend on the type of car and how you upgrade the vehicle. Maybe the sports car was upgraded in handling and engine so it went fast without it flipping or sliding off course. The jeep is not upgraded so the driving seems more realistic. Of course if upgrading parts like that are not in the game then I guess it would be another factor like rain dirt, etc.
  3. Wait it seems like the online portion was an RP style type like from GTA SA. You have your own house money and life. But i know im wrong since the hydra was flying right next to the building. Still trying to figure out what the gametype might be.
  4. Maybe could be a number leading down to a "big heist" in the game itself? Maybe the number of ingame days or how long you have to wait before another heist to let the previous one cool down. Maybe the number of days you have to do the heist before it closes, the shipment leaves, or another group robs the store.
  5. The only thing bad about it was that most of it was cinematics and that fucking accent annoyed the shit out of me. I dont know why you were all talking about time zones since you got to see it right now like us :thatmexicankidface:
  6. I think so too. Mostly because it was explicitly demonstrated in the gameplay video. I know. Again on the phone so I cant write everything down without my boss seeing me What do you guys think the game was played on? PS3 Xbox or an alpha stage PC version
  7. I also see them releasing a new video tomorrow or next week since I see it being a series like the recent R* games
  8. I suggested the real estate market as a wishlist thing. I really didn't think it would be included in the game. The game is finished and only 3 months left. I think buying property will be their Sorry for the big quote on my phone in the office
  9. Would have been a nice touch to see Franklin jumping over the hood of the car for a nice touch
  10. Anybody got a breakdown to watch. Or is it too early.
  11. Skills like Stealth, Shooting, Driving, etc. and the map HUD has gone from a circle to a square. Seems like time is slowing down when changing guns and they seem to appear out of nowhere like in past GTA games, I was disappoint by that. Customization is beyong GTA SanAndreas for cars and clothes. Seems like there is a lot if animations and you can buy property from online websites which is better than walking to a green house icon in a driveway. Didn't see any on foot cops but I think they're improved too as shown in Franklin's trailer
  12. Only 30 minutes left here in NJ. I live so damn close to NY. they did a sneak preview on xplay Fucking troll,made me go to xplay for noting you dirty honky
  13. Just upgraded. I have 1000 GeForce GTX 1590's OC'ed to 10000000000000000MHz and an Intel Core i33 356780k OC'ed to 1444.124 GHz and a 100005 x 15835683p monitor.
  14. I'm going to upgrade my pre-order since I paid full $66 at GS for the game like in March for the PS3. Gonna get the Collector's Edition which is the first time I have ever put $150 on a game. Just one question... If R* ever decides to announce the PC version, can I change my PS3 pre-order to the PC version and still have the Collector's Edition but for the PC?
  15. Santiago


    Didn't bother too read everything but this might be the case for games. Might be legit or a mock made by EA
  16. Santiago

    XBOX One

    Have any of you seen the case for games. I'll link down the BF4 case for the XBOX One http://www.battlefie...ield-4/xbox-one And the controller just eww, and the console too. They should have stick with the XBOX 360 controller. I am so buying the PS4 now. EDIT: They might be fake but it might be close to the real cases. Also, if you want to see the PS4 version
  17. No. Nope. They are based on Tree-Top Piru. Plus, with Rockstar saying that the Ballas will not open fire on you or even fight you unless they are aggravated is somewhat gay. It's just like in IV and EFLC. I could play as Johnny, walk right up to the AOD clubhouse with members outside and not a damn thing would happen. Shit they might as well make it were the Ballas give you a hug when you pass them. Lol. I hope they change this *makes a serious face*
  18. I just jizzed when I read the article. But R*, y u put Bullet Time in GTAV. Only Max can Bullet Time.
  19. If all goes well, this might be the first GTAV game that may not need mods.
  20. And change the one you have now. You are so close to moderating the whole internet. And I love Fallout with random gibberish I can't read. :no: :no:
  21. Yes. Franklin's trailer shows green. Can't rock Grove ST. Colors without being in the gang. He also reminds me a lot of CJ when he wears that tanktop. Trevor's was great too. Michael's was meh.
  22. That Watch Dogs trailer seems to have amazing NPCs. Hopefully GTAV will do this
  23. Santiago

    360 vs PS3

    Would love to see that type of PS3/PS4 type controller. Or does it already exist, if so link buy page U.S so I can buy.