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Everything posted by Santiago

  1. This came up on page 4. I'm 99% sure it's a Windsor with the top up. Oh my god. That's the car from your profile picture
  2. No way the PS4 is coming out this year
  3. Tampa Bay Rays ( My hometown )
  4. Nice challenge *bridge closed, people on the other side*
  5. I have no idea what game you are talking about but if you mean GTAV, I'll be spending most of my time playing Watch Dogs ; South Park: The Stick of Truth ; and TES Online
  6. Fucking shit just got home from school to see this. Should have kept away and thought it would release Spring. Fuck!!!!!
  7. this is exactly what i'm talking about! it's like a haze is over everything. They used a real time daylight system with a grainy edged shadow density, which wasn't adjustable on consoles because of the limitations at the time. In the PC version, on full density, the shadows are much finer and less grainy. The background 'fuzzy filter' effect, was their way to hide the LOD (level of detail) model pops, which instead blended them in a weird grainy way. Imo looked worse than a lod pop, but meh, they were experimenting with new ideas. What the modding community have taught us though, is that the 'fuzzy filter' is only a filter, and can easily be changed or removed on PC versions. I'm pretty sure R* have looked as some of the wonderful graphic mods out there and took them on-board with GTA V, it sure looks a hell of a lot better so far anyway. That looks fantastic. Hope GTA V can beat that on PC's
  8. Install the SanAndreas enter in every building mod or do burglary missions
  9. Some of the old III era guns with better graphics and a few of the IV ones... with the flamethrower.
  10. I don't care but I sure hope the helicopters fly that close to the ground.
  11. There should be snow in the Mt Peaks like RDR did it with Cochinay and leave the footprints like ViceMan said.
  12. I got the poster and I would like to see a better GTA V collectors edition.
  13. Why would it be frustrating. It wouldn't be realistic if they just stand there and scratch their balls until we command them.
  14. Cuz' it means another chance to blast Ballas in HD graphics
  15. It broke my PS3 and after that I rarely play it.