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Everything posted by GTAaddict5

  1. The only use for them would be to go on multiplayer move the farris to the top and snipe people I guess .
  2. Yo I'm in a modded lobby and we r driving jets,toilets,dinosaurs and all kinds of stuff add me on psn rmb11rb if u want to join the lobby!!!
  3. Help I have a question I downloaded the $7 minecraft app on iiOS and when I go to scan 4 wifi game or multiplayer it will never load??
  4. GTAaddict5

    BO!! Ps3

    Anyone wanna play BO ps3 right now PSN ASR2140.
  5. so i could snap a photo of results, i wasn't ready... plus, we were in a close match, might of given you a free kill trying to get ready... EDIT: fuck you then, don't play next time... i had a lot fun as usual... Calm down there it's just a game/opinion
  6. Resign go to account management press triangle and sign out and sign back in it should work. You'll get the invites
  7. Yo I'll be on in 15 mins don't start yet It's rmb11rb Can you make a chat room I don't have a mic
  8. ok then Idk where to ask this at but does this site have a YouTube channel?
  9. Hi, addict. I'll give you the number to my therapist. Ok what's his/her number
  10. Hi im a GTA iv addict my story goes like this bought GTA iv about 1 year ago and not stopped playing it since I NEED help. Where's the nearest GTA addict center at ? I'm from PA