Banana Pudding

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Everything posted by Banana Pudding

  1. It's hard to get an exact placement, but on my map it's definitely west of the desert airstrip.
  2. Grapeseed - I was generous in the distances on that map. It could still be smaller. The distances from the observatory to the Vincent Thomas bridge, oil well to Bank Tower, observatory to Bank Tower, and dam to Bank Tower could all be closer. Look at the pictures below and compare the distances between the points to the map I made. I added extra distance. observatory to bridge - observatory to Bank Tower - oil well to Bank Tower - dam to Bank Tower -
  3. I'm still waiting for the Epsilon screen saver that was supposed to come out last week. Why did they lie about that?
  4. I'm aware that the height of the Chrysler Building is to the tip of the antenna and I've factored that in. In the image below, you can see the Bank Tower is tilted. If you straighten it, it will get a little taller. The sizes match up well in the side by side comparison. If anything, Liberty City looks a little too small and if you increased the size of it, the Los Santos estimate would get smaller. Also, I was generous with the placement of the observatory and mountains to the east. They could both be closer to the buildings.
  5. East to west estimate - That matches this method -
  6. It means this area - is smaller than IV and there will be areas like this - outside it.
  7. Not me. I've been telling you people it's not big. I've used multiple methods of estimating the size, shown the process and pointed out how they all came to the same conclusion, but for some reason you didn't want to believe what you were looking at. That's the most condensed sprawl I've ever seen. I was hoping for multiple smaller cities instead of one big city, but it looks like we might be getting one not so big city. At this point, it seems like it's going to be something like this... ...twice the size of SA with only one Los Santos. I know they said it's just one city, but I can't say I fully believe it. That's too much space for that city area they showed. I still feel like they're hiding something. I wanted an actual destination to travel to - not just some town with a dirt landing strip. Maybe there will be a sizable Santa Catalina Island far off the coast that you have to fly to. Anyway, I really don't have any complaints. I'd still be happy with one city and all the other stuff in the game. I just wanted to be completely blown away. Fingers crossed for horses and car customization.
  8. Yeah, that's it. Focus on roads and windows that you can't see and ignore the sizes of the landmark buildings. Good job! You get an A+! Well it seems like you're focusing on just the landmarks (1 landmark), and none of the rules of perspective & lens size. Anyway, i don't wanna go over this again. I'm not trying to say it looks huge from this screenshot, because it doesn't. I'm just stating what i see, and what looks wrong with your paste over - in my opinion. The distance wouldn't be affected that much using a different lens size -
  9. Yeah, that's it. Focus on roads and windows that you can't see and ignore the sizes of the landmark buildings. Good job! You get an A+!
  10. There's not enough information to know at this point. For instance, the oil well appears to be on the base of a mountain. It could really be a mountain with nothing much behind it or it could actually be just a hill that flattens out with buildings for miles beyond. Over the Vinewood sign, it's kind of hard to tell exactly what's in the distance. You can see what looks like houses, but it looks like a sparsely populated area.
  11. At least you're smart enough to figure that one out. josh might still need a drawing.
  12. This is the part where BP starts hurling insults at you along with a half-dozen screenshots with red outlines... Well, you have to draw pictures when you're dealing with people who can't figure out the most basic things on their own.
  13. These are just parts of a 14 square mile map: Now look at this picture again and tell me how many square miles you think it is... Study the numbers in the picture below and try to get an estimate of the distance from the Bank Tower to the other side of the Vincent Thomas Bridge - I'll help you out. It's about a half mile. I already said what my estimated area included. Perhaps you should do less crying and more reading. I only estimated the area of the city within the mountains. It's in the areas marked in red and south to the bridges. Do you see the mountains I drew in my map? Those are the mountains you see around the city in the first trailer. That's pretty obvious to people who are at least somewhat intelligent. My dog could figure that out.