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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. But you already know the theme, honky. I say we go sexual.
  2. guy in the center looks like he is in a bad spot, thats gotta be huge hydrolic on the right comming down from the back to the front!
  3. I hated them. Thought they were for the jews. God i hated the jews. I'm hoping for an indoor rock climbing park, though.
  4. Ok, a few more. Fred chillin, packo and thomas obamus the presidential cat having a stare-off. "Duo"
  5. COD?! Crazy, it wasn't a gta fan site, though. It was some shitty Psycopsy shit.
  6. Like i said, visit Igta5 with a condom, because your PC is gonna get raped. I have an Ipad, but google says igta5 is an attack site. Good going hoster guys. Thats what happens when "Server Admins" spam your site with attrocious adware.
  7. Cheers Prime, but Psy isn't hanging out here anymore. Also, i'm gay for Psy, Psy's gay for you, let's fuck.
  8. Hoarder loaf, its more economical.
  9. Also, there are no crackers to go along with all the cheese, i find that disappointing,
  10. Probably. Maybe not.
  11. Nope. Apple supports their products internationally. So Some companies dont, but apple does. The phone isnt region locked.
  12. Then your warrantee should definately be valid...
  13. I dunno dude, maybe you got some stock that was rejected by apple quality assurance.... China is full of scammers.
  14. "John dies at the end" Not your typical movie, funny in a nehilist fassion. 8/10
  15. Actually my dad got it in Hong Kong for me, so I don't think the warranty applies here. Is it genuine?
  16. Meh, scrolls take too long to cast to be usefull in combat.
  17. You just bought a 699.00 phone eith no warantee?
  18. Gta 4 was shit for a lot of reasons, imo, not just the planes. But, it was a good kinda shit, the best shit. In the end of the though, still shit. Eg, i played fallout a lot longer than i played gta. Also, i played though its story twice, never played through a gta game twice.
  19. Oh, well, the plastic the case is made of wont affect the wifi signal.. Id seriously take that phone back.