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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I have a black iphone five and i dont have any of those issues, but i always put mine in a case. I would swap the iphone for a new one if it is clicking, it shouldnt click.
  2. Problem with the toast its not actually toast, its a mere grease catcher.... Eggs over hard are nice.
  3. ^lol The song reminds me a it of " purple pills" namely now the voices change.
  4. Qdeathstar


    8 months o.o Anyway, id pay 100 for this.
  5. Mods should make a little article combining this, the tranny, and Maybe treefittys map in a community update
  6. I thot these forums wer wite only? Nice effort, I remember when I cared enough about gta to make stuff about it.
  7. Im hoping for more realistic weather, rain snow, thunderstorms, ect. Snow that accumulates, not just "there" like in skyrim would be pretty sweet.
  8. I'm an imperial as a race, btw
  9. Breathe in water vapor? Do you go outside? Or breathe at all?
  10. I agree with the last 5 comments, but im out of likes and have no other means of expressing myself. Brian thinks that seeing you esmoke will cause other people to want to esmoke.
  11. Brian said he wasnt a fan of ecigs. Either that or he didnt read the topic.
  12. Jea, dont get mad bro. Im set in my ways, set in my ways...
  13. You started it. Your solution is the legislate the problem away. You wont even accept a perfectly acceptable alternative.
  14. That's why I said to keep it in the privacy of their own homes, I feel the same with marijuana, legalize it for recreational use only in their own home. As you stated it smells like donkey shit, I don't wanna smell that walking down the street. E-Cigs may not smell like shit, but I don't enjoy inhaling that either. They're a better alternative for sure, but I still dislike it. Its steam? Actually dude, why dont you stay at home and act like a whiney ass bitch on twitter about how 2nd hand smoke killed your dog, grandma, and your sister...
  15. Because dude, we arent a bunch of 4yo girls that arent able to determine right and wrong for ourselves. Im on the fence on banning public smoking, but this has no negative affects for anyone other than the person doing it. And its way better for you than actually smoking.
  16. Watched zero dark thirty.. It was kinda long winded, but ultimately well produced. 6.5/10
  17. Dr Drew says these things are a lot healthier than cigarettes, plus they dont smell like donkey shit.
  18. I hear what your saying but I think that giving ulfric power would have the same general outcome as overthrowing the Sha of Iran did in the 1970s. I don't know all the details, but if a religion is enough to convince you to want to overthrow a government and install someone as morally weak as Ulfric, it's a pretty powerful religion. People talk about wanting religious freedom, but ultimately its only freedom to practice one religion, the worship of Talos. Its my opinion that if you get rid of the structured government of the empire its only a matter of time before religious freedom becomes religious fundamentalism. Also, although the empire has forbade worship of Talos, they seem to only enforce it when it serves their need to make some political point. There are plenty of people in Skyrim worshiping Talos. Then you have the dragons, bandits, and other factions within Skyrim to deal with. Ulfric might be dragonborn, but thats no reason to give him the riegns to the kingdom. The empire has an interest in protecting skyrim from these threats because Skyrim is a source of income in the form of taxes and raw materials for trade. I just dont see Ulfric acting in a simular or better manor. The empire is a continuing interest, which means that even when the current emporer dies, his son will take over. Because of this, the emporers want to ensure the strength of the empire over the long run. Ulfric, on the other hand is one man with a lust for power using religion as an excuse to topple a benign but unpopular government. He might care about protecting whiterun and solitude, but i highly doubt that places like winterhold will mater to a dictator like Ulfric. His game is to sqeeze the most out of the citizens now so he can enjoy the spoils of victory and after he dies, who cares what skyrim looks like. Ulfric might be ok if you live in the major trading cities in skyrim, because those will make him money. Outside of that, you beter start praying to talos.
  19. I would go with the imperials, ulfric is a loose cannon after what he did in solitude...
  20. Movie looks ... shitty. Whats the point in having robots if you still have to put humans in them? Also, gladOs is portal's thing.... Finally, the narrator is annoying. The guy also read a book I was trying to read on Audible called "The Grey" and i gave up on the audio part of the book because his voice was just tooo anoying. Meh.
  21. Yes that's what I meant. Got the topics mixed up for a sec. It's ment primarily as bill board ad.. Then why reveal half of the boxart with it just to reveal the full boxart before it's even done? They could've just used 1 artwork or the GTA V logo as advertisement like they've been doing for a while now. I guess it's still possible that they'll reveal a video like they did for GTA IV. I think they probably just dont have their shit together... remember when the hurricane locally delayed the release of the trailer globally...