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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Re: realism and parachutes. "Players won't be able to fly their aeroplanes. There are no planes because it's just a city," says Houser, "apart from the fact that there's vehicles..wherever you are, it's still realistic." "Bellic is not going to be riding a Unicycle or Rollerblading around, we're giving a choice of variety that feels right for the character. We are not suddenly saying there will be no more motorbikes, were keeping all of that stuff, we are keeping the same range and diversity that we had it's just going to fit the character." - Sammy houser Says, stuffs realistic, flying planes is crazy talk. Not realistic in a one city world to have planes, ignoring the fact that a one city world is unrealistic. QD. Shocking with undeniable fact.
  2. It sounds like Saints Row is a better game for you, if you're more about the crazy shit. GTA is a more realistic game, and thats what makes it so great. However the new direction Saints Row is starting to take is making it too over the top for me. I'm starting to see that peoples take on reality is very skewed by video games. Scary... Not being able to parachute out of planes in gta 4 because it would hurt the realistic aspect of the game is a lame excuse.
  3. Sa story was honky to riches to honky got rich still gotta represent.
  4. Hmm, i didnt watch sinister because it was made by the sconies that made paranormal activity.... Are you saying sinister was a good movie?
  5. i ThInK tHaT BuYiNg CaRs ThAt BlOw Up WhEn YoU fLiP ThEm Is A bAd IDeA realism is a good thing if it's done right in certain aspects of the game, like i want realistic physics. and the way that cops try and kill you, but i don't wanna have cops be too realistic, like enforcing traffic laws and such. and i also wan't driving to feel realistic, but i don't want it too realistic to where we have to have gas and shit. you just need a good balance between realism and fun. because if you go too real the game will be dull and feel boring after a while, but if you make it too unrealistic you end up with saints row which fucking sucks(IMO). Realism isnt a key attraction though. Story and features are though.
  6. No. Realism sucks. If I wanted to go on murderous rampage in Los Angelos, I'd do it. I'm more into jumping out if a plane aimed at downtown with a jetpack and a rocket launcher kind of guy... which is why I play gta.
  7. Prtscn button on your keyboard, paste it into paint, save as .jpg load it on to imageshack.us, post link.
  8. that... if you're gonna add them, give them a purpose... not once have they done anything with it... sure, i met phil bell there and took roman there once... helped out dwayne there and took friends there... but come on, i was a club bouncer as luis... sounds like something franklin could do if he was looking for some extra cash... girlfriend might not approve though... The strip clubs were just a diversion, so reason to have them or not, they're ok with me.
  9. Just get a new harddrive.... Easier...
  10. You have weapons skills and a fast armory, massacre?
  11. Well, it's center sir. I'm disapointed theirs no moneyshot. Also, bottom black guys head looks a little round.
  12. No. You can only upload 10mb a day on igta5.com Save it as a jpg and upload it to Imageshack http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0050D1XMG/ref=mp_s_a_1?qid=1364910907&sr=8-2π=SL75
  13. Reboot windows into safe mode with networking (so you can still browse the web) Safemode prevents unrequired startup tasks from launching, which might make the malware easier to get rid of.. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/how-to-start-windows-in-safe-mode/
  14. Meh, you sure you uninstalled every program that you dont know what it is? I would try to redo those steps in safe mode w/ networking
  15. http://malwaretips.com/blogs/browse-to-save-ads/ Quick google search
  16. I didnt realize people actually watched baseball..
  17. We had this done in the uk smokes to be hidden from view like that gonna stop kids from wanting to smoke In this case its to help kids smoke, but only weed, not cigarettes. In fact, i bet big tobacco has lobbyists working to keep weed illegal. Irony .
  18. I guess if you were expecting the tv show to be just like the comic, then youd be dissapointed. Still thought it was a good finale, though the last 10 minutes were pure filler.
  19. Jack and dexter > crash