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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I seen a preview for this, does look interesting. Is the game mmog?
  2. Wholly crap, scifi channel is actually launching a science fiction series? I dont know guys, if it was any other network i'd be more excited... Im sure theyll find a way to fuck it up like they did with Eureka and Stargate.
  3. Well, playstationpete and xboxeddie had me wondering, i knew a butch woman called pete...
  4. Are the houses you can build cookie cutter, or can you put the walls up the way you want to, eg, make a triangular house? I've always had a thing for triangular houses..
  5. I think my screen name has been covered in another topic. FYI it would have been playstationpete if anything Are you a transexual with multipersonality disorder?
  6. I wish I had of went elvin for the magic... I'm focusing on conjur/ destruction Would be nice if there was a way to easily swap shout types.. Re horses: I don't know how they fucked the horses up. They already had a follower system capable of issuing the wait comman and a game which handled horses perfectly as an example to copy from in rdr...
  7. I dunno, you can carry a lot on a horse and they are faster. It takes forever to go anywhere in skyrim. Idk what you are talking about...
  8. I got a house now Still no way to call my horse. >_>
  9. Hmm. Looks like New York is making shelf space for marijuana.... Bloomberg wants to move ciggarettes under the counter...
  10. Ive contacted my lawyers and they say as long as i keep paying them, this is proteced under first amendment... So, we will see. Anyway, by beta i mean correlation. Namely the correlation between how gullable the "OMGuGUIS GTA5 RELESE DAET ON rusgame.net!!! IS UTE OFFICIALS?" idiot gamers are, and my wallet size. They are directly correlated. Gullible idiots deserve to pay, im making sure they do. And its protected by the first amendment, and beta means correlation, not free game. Nqp.
  11. Looks like itd make a decent crack pipe. A little high brow though.
  12. Nah, like birthday wishes, if I tell them they won't come true.
  13. I had some good dreams last night...
  14. Finally bought a horse, so as long as I keep track of him I don't get stuck... I just wish you could call the horse like rdr.
  15. Qdeathstar


    Massacre, you could have one printed for you for around 30 bucks. I got my posters for around 20 each..
  16. Qdeathstar


    Wow, no one has posted in this since january. I'm still going to be working on that site, but i won't get started until may.
  17. Qdeathstar

    Saints Row

    Ive never played saints row, kinda feel like it would be like cheating on my girl friend.
  18. Massacre lives in the deserts of arizona,