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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Im an electrician, and i was working on an panel installing a breaker. Electrical panels care two or three phases of electrical voltage, and when they short out there can be a huge arc, depending on how much current is flowing through them, how far away the service transformer is, ect.. Because of this, panel buss's have insulation seperating one phase from the other. The particular panel i was working in was a panel that required bolt in breakers, where the breaker is manually screwed on too the buss (most residential panels slide onto the buss) Because of the way panel is configured, you cant see the insulation. And in this panel, the insulation wasnt there. I was screwing the breaker onto the buss, wearing on the required safety equipment, except for arc-flash goggles... The screw apparently went through into a second phase, shorting out between phases, resulting in a huge arc flash which was not only bright, but shot out molten metal, simular to an arc-welder. I felt fine, so i just figured it was a close call. Later that night, my eyes felt a little rough, but i figured it was ok, to be expected.. So i went to bed. At about 2 or 3 i woke up to the absolute worst pain i have ever, ever experienced. I couldnt drive to the hospital so had to call an ambulance, the pain was terrible... They gave me some eye medicine and cleared it up but it was crazy crazy crazy pain.
  2. I think you would look good with some silver in the beard, bones... They can call you ole wise beard...
  3. The terrorist look is back, massacre. Time to get stylish.
  4. Qdeathstar


    I liked simcity back when it didnt suck, was gonna buy i for the ipad, but the reviews sucked, so im for it. Just wish it was for the ipad... I can play a game like this from the couch
  5. Qdeathstar


    Yeah, and it makes me wonder if I've never had to knock on wood. And I'm glad I haven't yet because I'm sure it isn't good, That's the impression that I get.
  6. Qdeathstar


    Meh. Not really. I didn't get a borderlands feel for gta, like i did with this game.
  7. Qdeathstar


    Had to google cell shaded graphics to know what you were talking about, it actually just Cel shaded graphics. Definitely not what Bungie is about and I wouldn't compare it with Borderlands. Honestly they really haven't said shit about the game but I would be very surprised if it ending up being anything like borderlands or a typical MMO. By the way it's not an MMO either but does supposedly share some aspects. Which aspects? Again they've said almost nothing about the game. Ok? The concept art looks borderlandsish to me.
  8. Qdeathstar


    Didnt watch the video... But im not into cell shaded graphics... Wasnt able to get into borderlands as a result... Edit: having watched it, it looks like next gen games will have epic scale.
  9. Might be of interest to some people... http://www.scribd.com/collections/2849035/The-Walking-Dead-comic-english?page=1
  10. Put it on your ipad, press the loop button..
  11. Can you just dump it on the ground?
  12. Are there traveling merchants? Im over encumbered half way between whiterun and the city where you get the gem appraised..
  13. I was able to deal with the falmer, but the bugs that spit poison was what pushed me back...
  14. Im only considering ones which need to be appropriately catagorized, craze A well respected vagina does not need to be inspected.
  15. Dunno.. I was just minding my own business, except for killing that goat, when i was jumped by the dragon... Shellshocked, I hid under a overhang in a cave, hopeing he would move on, allowing me to continue on my way from whiterun to figure out what the unique gem was worth.... No reprieve, got vaporized...
  16. But, how do you hit them when your on the ground, and they are in the airl I tried to use the torch magic power, but it does almost zero damage to a dragon... Also, i used a scroll, and the thing i "conjured" ended up attacking me.
  17. How? A few fucking pointers would be great.
  18. There is no vats system in skyrim, and you cant kill a dragon with a an axe...
  19. Well, then, better send that formal letter of complaint to websters then
  20. Whelp... Entered a cave today... Had to turn around.. The bug spider things are just too much... Tried to outrun them but then i got blasted by a magic spell by something deeper in the cave Then i killed i goat and he was empty And now ive somehow pissed off a dragon... fml.