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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I'm currently reading "not Taco Bell material"
  2. Wow Linx and massacre need couples dick riding therapy... I'm available
  3. Qdeathstar


    Starcraft would have been epic. Thanks for the video dupz0r... It does a lot better at showing off the controller than the ps4 event.
  4. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    April seems so far away... Im kinda more excited to find out about the next xbox than the ps3.... Im not sure which one im gonna buy first though I liked infamous, and i didnt really love any xbox excluse except gears of war, which is now multiplatform I kinda wanted to just get a pc this generation... But pc games arent really coming back
  5. Im pretty sure ms and sony would frown on that too, and demand liscensing fees for both copies.... Maybe the limited edition... But not the $60 version..
  6. Qdeathstar


    Maybe $ony will let you stream all the ps3 games you have disks for?
  7. Qdeathstar


    They didn't confirm that at the announcement...
  8. I've been having that feeling. I know it's very likely not the case, but it sure would be like Rockstar to pull one over on us. Just let him go with it. UlanBator isn't going to listen, anyway. Aside from the possibility of sec inquiries and criminal prosecution of board members of ttwo for releasing false information, this is a great idea. Class A retard. Well, i mean.. I was considering it, especially with watchdogs... But ps4 was underwelming? I mean, it has some cool features, but i kinda feel like they could have done the same things with the ps3 with a new controller and firmware upgrade.
  9. Qdeathstar


    I don't see how that star is relevant to the end user experience. Also, though I love the idea of streaming games.. I already stream movies and towards the end of every month... Buffering here we come as cox throttles down my connection... Bandwidth is expensive and I can see this taking up large chunks.... Unless streaming meant from the disk? Also on a watch dogs vs gta5 side note, I havnt seen anything from gta 5 that suggests it will be able to compete with watch dogs on a technical standpoint. I think gtas main strength will be it's culture, satire, and atmosphere... Not its graphics or gameplay... Also, I like how blizzard stated it was comming back to consoles by releasing a shitty port of a shitty game. Meh. Starcraft would have been more interesting.
  10. Qdeathstar


    Looks like the stream is down so your not missing anything but aggravation
  11. Qdeathstar


    I can't watch it driving.. But are they saying no bd or DVD?
  12. Qdeathstar


    I hope i don't have to get off my couch to play fallout 4. That will really piss me off. That said, all the rumors about consoles being "wii like" or "not hardcore" have got to be false because theres no way sony or microsoft would ruin franchises like Madden, COD, Killzone, and Halo which require someone sophisticated graphics in order to sell... Also, six o clock is a strange time to start a news conference, imo.
  13. Qdeathstar


    It looks... Adequate.. Not a move forward IMO...
  14. Qdeathstar


    Maybe it uses near field magnetic charging, that would be cool..
  15. A gay Australian!? I thought Australia was full of manly men who go down under out back! I've been shafted!
  16. I tried to start playing this for the second time the other day... I just cant get into it for some reason... Jumping around a castle is very meh.
  17. Qdeathstar


    Yeah i saw that the other day. Looks like a waste of time and money if you ask me. I hate misc-peripherals. lol V OMG, i hope that matte effect on the 'prototype' controller is this stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r5Qt8z2WJ4 I wonder if it actually works... I could use some on my work boots.... I wonder if it actually works and how long it lasts... At 150 to find out, ill have to pass..
  18. Qdeathstar


    How much of the market? Most people have broadband on their cellphone nowadays....
  19. I attempted earlier to blame the jews, but you know, it turns out they want gold, not iron so idk. Something to do with the fact that we evolved to deal with..
  20. Qdeathstar


    Probably should wait till the first price cut... So they can take care of the next rrod. I wont, but thats probably the most logical thing to do.
  21. I know that they're two completely different forces, but I remember reading/being taught that gravity exists because of magnetism. Nah bro, that shit is ignorant.
  22. Qdeathstar


    I think the speaker is a "blow" sensor as seen on the ds. Gta's mini sex games are gonna be so realistic, cant wait!