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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Qdeathstar


    Seems like the old d pad is better...
  2. I think theyd be dlc too, and i wouldnt be too upset about it, depending on the quality of the map that comes with the game... I mean, if the game map is the size of rdr, and they add dlc with two large cities each 3/4 s the size of rdr, id have no problem plucking down 1600 mspoints for them.
  3. Im not sure, but if if this was some massive conspiracy, surely they would have that wallet issue figured out.
  4. Qdeathstar


    I think the main selling in this generation will be dvr capabilities.
  5. Qdeathstar


    Touchpad seem awkward
  6. Yeah, but that's mainly the trim and other features like how the disks are loaded... The chips in the ps3s built now are probably a lot better than the original ones because the are smaller and cooler..
  7. Actually, your right gravity is the weakest force... Have no idea what I was thinking this morning..
  8. Magnetism is the weakest force and over a very large area the force it exhibits is very small.
  9. We dont need no water let the mother fuck burn, burn. Nothing destroys evidence quite like a fire.. Just in time for the State Of The Union. Intredasting.
  10. Dunno, ttwo let 3drealms work on duke nukes forever 15 years...
  11. Qdeathstar


    Drm would still require you to put the disk in the slot, unless they get rid of used games...
  12. Meticulous isn't an uncommon word unless your trailer trash... This guy ain't a hero and he don't give a shit about honkys.
  13. I doubt ps4 will be released in summer.. Fall is more likely...
  14. Bro I wish that even made sense just because that gif is hilarious lol. it's just a shame that its missused. How did I contridict myself? And for the record I'm not sayin shoes make or break you but they're just a big part of your look and unfortunatly say alot about you, at least in my area. I'm just sayin a dude wearin shoes like I posted below will not be gettin positive looks like a dude who wears good condition shoes that are deemed attractive in his area. I'm just speaking from an american prospective in a city environment, but what you wear is correlated with your social status. What you wear correlated with your wealth. What you wear is correlated with your confidence. Like it or not but thats how most of our evolutionary brains have adapted to this kind of society. So why not cash in occaisonaly and take notice and care of your appearence in regards to your society to help establish yourself. And honestly I don't like how materialistic and superficial people are but adapt or die right? You proud american. Wearing pink 1980s closet homosexual shoes is no different than basing your sole self worth on keeping 200 dollar designer shoes spotless. It is, however, completely different from recognizing that you have something more interesting to talk about than the fact that you spent all afternoon separating your shoes from the shit that you wade in. Shiny things only sell in the short run, dear.