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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. lol. i love you. <3 a ) yah lets make them rush the game and release it unfinished and gltichy. good idea b ) No its not. Rushed? The released the trailer a year and a half ago. The game is probably finished by now. This delay is purely economic. I dont know maybe to raise hype? Did you think that one through? Release a trailer two years before a release date for a game that is already hyped? Who wasn't excited about gta 5 before the trailer...
  2. I wonder with Sony and Microsoft releasing next gen console info at e3 this year if gta 5 will still be relevant. Why release a trailer for a game a full two years away from release.
  3. I think if the weather wss like rdr id be impressed. That game was probably the most perfect game r* has made.
  4. Opx, graphics are a huge part of gameplay. They totally affect the emersive experience of the game. Gta 4s blur affect gave me a headache when playing the game, made the game impossible to play for extended periods of time. And lotd's grain affect was even worse. Id rather have lower resolution graphics than shitty effects everywhere. Gta 4 had to have the worst graphics of any AAA title so far this generation. Gta 5 looks a lot better in the shitty blur affect department, though.
  5. Graphics, IMO are a very important gameplay element. Rockstars blur effect was just about the worst shit I've seen on any game, so I hope the fix that. It gave me a head ache playing the game for more than a half hour at a time because of it. Was way too distracting... Low res graphics on the bumper won't phase me too much though
  6. Qdeathstar


    Ill probably buy the one that is black first...
  7. Look at my mw5 elite contacts. They dont let me walk through walls and fuck your moms, but i can still jack off to my sister. Maybe if they showed a fat ass doing eye motions simulating a girl giving him a bj, while a hot girl reacts to his every instruction, well.. I might be more interested...
  8. I definately want to put on some contacts before i go gaming. Sounds great.
  9. He probably thinks the bigger the number the better it is. I personally believe anything over 120 is Overkill, 240hz is preferred if you watch alot of sports. I use a 42" Samsung LCD. The ps3 tv allowed you to play 4 player split screen, each player "saw" a full screen because of the high refresh rate. That would be cool, wasnt 600hz though.
  10. Led is skinnier and has a better contrast ratio... But led vs cfl both use the same lcd screen. Liquid crystal display with compact fluorescent lighting or liquid chrystal display with light emitting diode lighting. I play on a 72" dlp.
  11. Yah, i hear ya. But ray has made this all about him. Did you see his "performance" after the patriots game? :rollseyes:
  12. Area 51 isnt in california so i doubt. They might have a different military base though.
  13. I eknow all the regular members of the site, can visit it twice a day and still be caught up... Besides, all we would get is " does cj go to gta v?!?!"
  14. Yup, i called it. Vikings vs pittsburg Two teams that almost made the playoffs
  15. I would like to own one, the ar dron is too big.
  16. Qdeathstar


    Im looking for a few additional staff members to help with writing articles for a fallout site im working on. If your interested in starting a website with me massacre and bones, write an article which describes one of the fallout games BUT DOES NOT GIVE SPOILERS, and send it to me and ill pick one or two people...
  17. We keep them in a box. Shake them up now, again We cut them into pieces To remove their filth, and sin.