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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Yeah, but. Lets say that next gen was supposed to be launched fall 2012. Rockstar announces first trailer for gta 5 fall 2011 a year before release, showing of some next gen graphicallity. Sony and m$ decided to push back the release dates for whatever reason (if one decides delay, other one might follow suite) till fall 2013. ttwo decides they dont want to wait for gta 5 on next gen, so they go ahead and release it for current gen consoles. They could have been developing a next gen and current gen title simultaneously like ea did for nfs and madden. Maybe gta 5 will get a next gen refresher in a goty edition? Wot u fiNk?
  2. No, fantasty. Id suck the cream out of that trailer, proud american. Besides, i needed two things that end in ty.
  3. First trailer, fantasty Second trailer, reality. Maybe it was going to be a next gen title but the release date for the next gen consoles got pushed back...
  4. Cant really blame bethesda, imo Blame sony
  5. Qdeathstar


    Cartoon Network most likely
  6. Sometimes heart overtakes talent. Sometimes. I hope the ravens win, i mean know that ray lewis is a murderer and all.. But cant help but to forgive him and send him into the sunset with a ring.
  7. 3d makes the experience worse, couldnt play for more than half an hour...
  8. Thats interesting.... In the movie he uses a calling card, dont remember seeing a payphone in the movie...
  9. There is fast travel, it is disguised in the form of taxis. Also planes. Taxi cabs were tedious...
  10. Crazy movie, based on a true story. Spoilers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_search_prank_call_scam#Mount_Washington.2C_Kentucky.2C_incident Trailer Its on xbox movies if you get a chance to watch it.
  11. It would seem, that if you were right about the red section, youd be able to see the hollywood sign from the red picture, but you cant...
  12. Qdeathstar


    bOs brought him back to life....
  13. It turns your whole room into a projector, not just flashing lights... You could make a dedicated game room, paint it white, and it would be like having a 360 field of view.
  14. I think thr problem with the dlc for this game is that the user levels are so good there isnt any point in buying more levels when you can get them for free.
  15. I doubt this is that big of a deal.. Seems like to me it would be easily defeated using a peice of glass...
  16. Looks like redskins got the short end of the vick stick... >_>
  17. I pre-ordered it but I DINT get SOMETHING / did u pre ordered it? did u get something? Lol i no rite?l win i peeorded, i got nothin but a funtain? No, it seems like its been an eternity, actually.
  18. Anyone watching the ravens broncos ravens game...
  19. I killed everyone in hopewell. It was scary how good it felt.