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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Gangbanging? You know I never really understood that. I mean other people in the room while you're... urgh. Og - loc
  2. You can't bang out what's never been there. Usually your correct. In the case of ms perry, you are incorrect. You can definitely fuck whats not there.
  3. Ive played both gta and forza... I still play forza. Anyway, might be time for a ps4 vs xbox 720 jank.
  4. I cant believe the bears fired lovie smith. Good team in a tough division...
  5. Redskins nfc east champs, no one had that predicted...
  6. On 1st trailer we didnt saw Trevor, and now he is allready the most popular character (hope you understand). In southern California there are many airfiels and towns, lets wait for the 3rd trailer. I think we will see more than Los Santos. Would Agree with you however, in the game informer magazine Sam houser clearly stated several times that it was just Los santos as the city, with country side. Unless he is lying to us to lower the hype? I doubt it.
  7. Only guy a killed in the first china town mission was the target, third stage is a huge jump in terms if difficulty imo
  8. Actually, for rockstar, spring gets delayed until october..
  9. IT is fun. I havnt beaten the first chinatown mission, mainly because i've only played it for about a half hour... but seems there are a variety of ways to kill poeple. I tried using the pallet, doesnt seem like its heavy enough... so i found a sniper rifle and shot the guy, but then i had to pause the gamed and my xbox turned itself off before i could get back to it. Really tranque? Thats not very tolerant of you v.v
  10. First thing I'm gonna do is get busted for kidnapping some bitch... Gotta build up my street cred...