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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Gtagrl, I provided a sample puzzle which would have answered all your questions...
  2. Top three from these people Kuz Massacre Gtagrl Fryman Grove_nz Craze GunSmith117 Nbur Massacre finished round two first, so he automatically moves to the final round.
  3. Divide the box into three equal spaces, 12 boxes total in each section, so that each number in the squares indicates the total number of squares than can be seen horizontally or vertically. I provided an example puzzle this time. Looking for top 3 this time. Example: Puzzle:
  4. To me it looks like you cropped a pic and added some text. This sig is cool though..
  5. Try adding a slash... Http://www.igta5.com/forums/ or maybe http://www.igta5.com/forums/index.php ...the ipb app sucks though ....
  6. For some reason, i dont think that choice will play a big factor in which character you play as... Maybe in free roam, but thats it for the most part.
  7. Psy has ran fansites for 10 years, been flown to new york to play the games pre release and he never got "exclusive" information about the game, i doubt marney did either...
  8. What? I said the city looks about the same size, not that the cities look the same... O.o
  9. I didnt really notice the facial technology that much, looked typical to me.
  10. Those are the instructions i was given.... Had to look at the solution to provide the answers to the other questions....
  11. What is Franklin, the other character's slave?............................ Oh Wait, that came out wrong. But seriously having him be the other character's little errand boy, would do Franklin's character development a major disservice. I mean come on, making his charcter inequal and subservient to Michael and Trevor would be a mistake that Rockstar would not make. Plus who would get Franklin's car if you were playing as him, Michael? Trevor? you wouldn't want one of your favourite character's running around doing menial jobs for a black man now would you. What a load of bullshit. Well, It would add to the realism*... Black people have traditionally served as butlers to rich white men*... Video game niggas shouldn't be any different*. Gta is a game about stealing cars, not owning them.