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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. The Men On Trains A sweaty invisible man drifts toward the roar of subway trains. Perspiration rolls down his face, or tears, perhaps. Finally he has purpose. يا إلهي ، خذني A cold stern man sits uncomfortablyin the stench of humanity. His blank stare is diverted to a crazed migrant yelling what he will not understand. Finally he feels unrelenting warmth. Oh god, save me.
  2. Savings Time Going solo while the Internet is awake 1:55am Beating times a little late. Clicking streaming cunt till my load was blew. oh my, how time flew. I can't believe it's 3:22!
  3. Qdeathstar


    that's 12 minutes I'm not getting back..
  4. This is our country, the aliens should have to learn our language, not the other way around... #teamtrump
  5. Qdeathstar


    not being into cartoons, I'd fuck her...
  6. The only difference between science and screwing around is writing it down. Adam Savage
  7. Qdeathstar


    You still get the slow time perk when your health is under 20 percent while in power armor for the shin guard.. I use it to keep track of my health bar... Once time starts slowing I know it's time for a deathclaw steak!
  8. Qdeathstar


    @gtagrl... If doc didnt exist I highly doubt these features would be in the game og, cutting means shipping...
  9. Qdeathstar


    well, you suck. so there.
  10. Qdeathstar


    I think you need to go for a swim
  11. Qdeathstar


    I loved that place....
  12. Qdeathstar


    I guess it wasn't ready yet, it's free so who cares. I'd rather they make it a patch than delay the game 6months... Bugs/glitches don't really bother me, mostly cause I'm so far behind they get patched long before I get that far....
  13. Hmm, I saw a couple of the previews and seeing this tucked away in the bottom of the comic book movie barrel and with all the attitude and vulgarity felt like it might be shit... Might check it out now
  14. Qdeathstar


    I'm impressed with how urban and dense Boston feels, and the fact that their are actual urban spaces... Today I was in the city near the ports and I turned a corner and BAM a deathclaw. Unprepared for a fight I darted off into a mirelurk nest with two mirelurks waiting... I was able to turn a few corners and glanced back to see the deathclaw settle for easier pray (mirelurks)... Just when I had caught my breath a hoard of blood suckers and some rad roaches started after me... And then I woke up here.
  15. Futility The drips tick and tap my windshield as obedient wipers erase all impact of rain drops' final self expression streaming down glass ending in amorphous puddles. Why should rain wage battles against gravity, rising in a cloud to glimpse the Sun only to crash back to murk?
  16. Qdeathstar


    THAT IS SOME FUCKING BULLSHIT SIR. I squeezed in an hour this morning. Haven't played since last weekend.
  17. Oh goodie, i was hoping for some snow pics Its snowing here and we got a whole .75" on the ground!
  18. What happens to the walkers! They are gonna win. Man v man v nature... Or er.. Unature this time
  19. Qdeathstar


    I was a little short while trying to make a trade, then I realized I had 2400 10mm rounds
  20. Qdeathstar


    ? if you have the advanced level lockpicking, eating mentants won't let you pick expert level locks?? where as before, if you needed 100 to lockpicking the hardest locks, but only had 91 lock picking you could chem your way to 100, you can't chem your way to the next level locking perk...
  21. Qdeathstar


    Have you read her terminal above the shop?Also, since you don't get skill points for lockpick/hacking what is the point of the chems that raise special? Like, Mentats? You could use those in Fallout 3 to disarm the nuke in Megaton. The chems raise a particular special attribute, briefly, so you can open a lock or a terminal. Certain clothes would do that as well in 3. I used to wear the Lab Coat for science/terminals... Here there are a lot of charisma clothes I notice, like the Sequin Dress, for speeching. Also, I get XP every time I lockpick or hack. If you are right on the edge of levelling up, do one of those things to push over the edge. I was talking about fallout 4now that lockpicking, ect, is a level, getting another two int won't let you unlock a higher level safe