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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. groveNZ, massacre, and fryman all got the correct answer, in that order. Kuz just solved it aswell. Three spots left.
  2. Sorry, misinterpretation of the rules, there. The rules that are provided dont cover all the rules, you have to look at the solution... So thats where the confusion is comming from...
  3. Start with one, move thee spaces, thats four total. Its not that difficult to understand. You can, however move twice in the same direction,
  4. Horizontal or verticle lines take 4 spaces. diagonal lines take three spaces. Kuz, Google how to upload images. Figure it out and pm me the link.... Its not my responsibility to teach you how to use the internet. You dont have to land in all of the white spaces.
  5. It has to be two spaces diagonally and it has to be three spaces vertically or horizontally.
  6. Round two starts in 30 minutes. These people are elegible Kuz xPrestoMagicX Massacre Conquested Noir GunSmith Gta4ever Knightofkightyknightness Fryman Thebigsexybeast Gringingho Grovenz Gtagrl Craze Nbur Nbur solved last puzzle first, so he automatically moves on to round three. Looking for sexy seven this round. Puzzle released soon 9pm est For these puzzles you need to make your way from the lower left to the upper right. You must "jump" three spaces horizontally or vertically or two spaces diagonally. The lines can intersect. You must land in white spaces, but you can jump over black spaces. Horizontal or verticle lines take 4 spaces. diagonal lines take three spaces.
  7. Paint it black, tint the windows, lower it, add some insulation to reduce engine noise, high dollar silent wheels, and to top it off add some guns for when stealth goes awry..
  8. There is definitely trolleys, im not sure about a subway, i dont think los angelos has one..
  9. Those shots make the two cities look about the same size.... SF and LV probably dlc...
  10. Same thing happens to me, its a weird fealing
  11. I feel bad abut it and all, but i worked from 9 to 6:30 running coax cable... And im tired...
  12. Would be cool because you could use the second screen as gps/map/phone..
  13. Take a picture of the back of your hand, massacre...
  14. Why buy something that can be stolen? What do you mean by a 'Stealth Car'? Do you mean like a car that uses Light Refraction Technolgy to become Invisible? Because that sounds pretty interesting. Wow. God..... Terrible post. I meant stealth tech, stealthy cars, weapons modifications, and bribes... Though having an invisible car would be cool
  15. Qdeathstar


    How do you get the screens to look cell shaded, do?