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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Why not... Id like to spend 60 bucks and have that cover every genre of game... Maybe franklin will be a pro football player and we can play football with him ala madden.
  2. I think money will be spent for things you need to complete missions... Stealth car, vehicle modifactions... Bribes.. Ect.. Maybe youll use it to pay your mortgage..
  3. 4:30 pm your time.... Suck it. Make time right after getting touched by your uncle and right before playing footsie with your second cousin....
  4. No qwob, the game was freeride earth.. http://www.old-games.com/download/4644/freeride-earth Randomly generated terrain... Seems pretty simple to add.. If someone could do it in 1998' im sure they could do it now...
  5. Enter V For GTA V, on your your lower back!
  6. There was a freeware game along time ago called "freeride x" which randomly generated terrain....
  7. Doesnt matter at this point, anyone whose pmd me will move on to round two, its still less than the 20 person cut off.. Ill post the names of the people who are moving on to the next round later tonight.... Round two starts thursday.. Presto, i see you lurking but you havnt pmd me...
  8. They have proven they are smart enough to solve puzzles, so their brain is their advantage...
  9. No, the are all cut off rounds... Top 20 then top 10 then top 5 then 3... Then we will see You had it right... Send me pms if you entered the contest but didnt correctly solve the puzzle, there are still a few top twenty spots to fill...
  10. The rule you broke was that two consecutive line segments cannot be the same length.
  11. No, but i doesnt matter anymore, you still get to go onto the second round..
  12. Lols, im not filling up the gta 5 forums with a whole lotta topics about the same thing... I also did status update about it and such..
  13. Last chance to get past round one is 10am est tomorrow.... Just send me a PM if you have not yet solved the puzzle, i got about 10 spaces left..
  14. Gta-sanadreas.com was. Way more active than this site and it was not as whoreish.... The only ones that i hate are the take over ads..
  15. Qdeathstar


    i'm talking about style, not tech... tech exploded (literally) in fallout after WWII... but those NCR guys look like modern day soldiers, sam fisher's or seal team six... they look out of place in the fallout world... that's all i am saying... this series had a distinct look and those outfits ruin it... Fallout isnt set in the fifties, its set in an alternate universe during the 22nd century.... O.o
  16. No there wasn't. I released it as a work in progress and everyone said it was shit, so it never got finished. The light skin is still the default one. Which cunt sucking mother fucker said that? Nah unfortunately not. I shared a few ideas with Psy, but in the end he created the banner, so I assumed he would have saved the psd on the webserver or something... /edit does anyone have a transparent png of the igta logo? failing that, we need to hunt down the font and recreate... not that bad really. /edit actually i had a look around my hdd, i found this. That is all. I don't have the font used for the links though... Shall we discuss this in 'gold'? Should use that until we can get something better sorted.
  17. Ownership of power grids varies state to state. In my state it is a private company.
  18. Syke! We Were Lying seems unlikely at this point... Would have said something before preorders...
  19. Major clue for the contes comming at 4 pm est. 16 more spaces remaining.
  20. Not until 17 more people solve the puzzle. Quickest 20 advance, so far its been all new members