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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. The website isnt working for most people, so i have to wait till this is sorted... I couldnt get online, and i want to give like a 6 hour notice so everyone knows when the first puzzle will be released... Maybe friday..
  2. Wont let me access the site, page just comes up blank.. Works ok on a proxy though...
  3. I dont think that map is right... The yellow outline is drawn so that from the highway you are driving towards the airport, but in the screenshot with the red car, the highway is turning away from the airport
  4. This topic has moved from spam topic to shit topic to topic of proud americanry.. Someone please put an end to this.debaccle. I mean, on cnbc the people were actually debating if texas should be allowed to succeed from the union. COME ON SERIOUSLY THERE IS MORE IMPORTANT SHIT TO TALK ABOUT!
  5. Some one said it said you, but your version makes more since... I haven't seen in personally...
  6. I would've posted ^that but.. meh, didn't care enough to be bothered. See Qd? The sprawling area looks pretty big, and theres STILL more to the left side and, farther down the city. The night shot makes the city look big... But that day shot makes the city look small... Seems like there are 6 or 7 sky scrapers, And you can count the buildings comming towards observitory.. 5 or 6 blocks ..
  7. Has rockstar confirmed that gta 5 takes place in present day los santos?
  8. Maybe all those guys who want to spend time in th gta joint will finally get there wish... Im havnt even watched trailer two yet.... *watches
  9. Niggah, 16 ounces for less than the price of 12 ounces of bud, and it tastes better... Im totally a hipster
  10. French war???? Also, america didnt exist until 1776... Or your suggesting a constant state of violent revolution would lead to a better government!
  11. The steps to figuring out the passphrase were: 1. Clicking on the calender. 2. Going to the date the world is gonna end. 3. Once there, you will see a post i made saying 1337. Status updats. 4. Go to status updates, view all status updates, then browse to page 2. 5. Once you do, the url for the status updates will be something like : http://www.igta5.com/forums/statuses/all/page__st__15 Changr that to http://www.igta5.com/forums/statuses/all/page__st__1337 And you get the answer... For "figuring" that out, massacre skips round one.