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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Lolz, so much work just for an advantage, i didnt realize how big the forums are in terms of virtual space... Massacre wins the advantage,
  2. Start with txt documents...
  3. This is gonna be impossible, didnt think about how hard it was till i started giving clues.. I will give another clue in approximately 8 hours
  4. Your on the right track, massacre. First one to get it.. (But not the right answer])
  5. How do you create an organized military, infrastructure, and international policy without a unified government?
  6. Mm kay, domt be a tard.. You can a clue to find the secret passphrase by using one of green links under IPS Community when using the dark skin. If you are not using the dark skin, shame on you.
  7. That was only because it was new... Every government gets taken over
  8. Do what the moderator says, stop derailing the topic. It is an interesting rumor though.... Would kinda piss me off though. Not because i'd have to pay for the game twice, but because id have to play through the story twice..
  9. calm down dude its just a game lololol "Just a game"..... You did not just say that..... Ive spent roughly half of my live dealing with gta, its not just a game to me... Its my way of breaking the law without getting off the couch...
  10. I think a two seperate nations might make the country stronger...
  11. I think I'll do some off roading with Trevor first. Once I have control of him anyway. I'll grab the nearest off-road vehicle and drive towards the nearest mountain, and drive to it's peak and scan the skyline horizon for some cool landmarks to visit. Fallout style.... I wish locations would show up on the map like fallout, especially since the game is gonna be huge, fast travel would be nice... And without having to cycle through taxi animations..
  12. 50 k out of 3million people is still a fraction of a percent..
  13. Whats legal is determined by government. If you succeed from a government, your no longer required to abide by it's rules (if you win) (unless you loose).
  14. Yeah, your signed up if you enter the contest, i wont be accepting submissions by people who have not signed up.. Also, a few people submitted guesses for the secret pass clue... Your all wrong... Here is clue, it is not in a post, but it is in the forums...
  15. I wonder if there will be more token black people we get to interact with without having to smell them...
  16. I.think the radio station that plays radar love shculd be called "golden spray" Golden for 70s, spray for the ocean....
  17. I think franklin will be the forgotten character... Also, i think he might be a proud american so the game can be edgy or something, would explain the dress...
  18. Seriously, do something... Psy would have never stood for two crashes in a week... Also, the ads are whorish, not to mention the fact that despite all the ads the site still doesnt work right..... Server guy, you blow. Cock.
  19. Dildos... Look at the close up shots of the city in the heist and fib shots.... City looks huge... I think in that shot all but the tallest buildings are obscured by fog..
  20. Nope some had said the secret word for the advantage was door... I was just sayin they were wrong....