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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. The black guy looks out of place amoungst the three... Too young... Too black... If i have to kill one of them, he is it...
  2. Im not sure why they wouldnt put the buckets on the farris wheel just because it easnt ridable, the gta 4 farris wheel wasnt ridable but still had the trams..
  3. Treefitty, in this picture http://www.igta5.com/images/official-gta-v-artwork-beach-weather.jpg There are cars on the ferris wheel, which screenshot are you referring too?
  4. They are arguing not about map size, but about whether or not bannanners was wrong, which he clearly was
  5. I think the article was written poorly. It mainly drolls on about how gta was made and what wont be in the game.... Edit about 10 pages out of that article and youd be a lot more excited.... I never saw a article go on for so long about what a game didnt have as this article did..
  6. Why are you beating a dead horse? No ones fighting anymore, I'm over that little hiccup and I'm sure Pud is too At this point, my estimate still stands. Nothing has been proven wrong about it. There's just a lot of sprawl around it that they didn't show in the first trailer. When they announced the Spring release date, they even added the word "sprawling" to their description of the city. I knew there had to be more and instead of having another city, they're just spreading Los Santos beyond the hills. I would have preferred a separate city to travel to rather than just one big spread-out city which is what they created. This is what I don't understand.. Your estimate was that LS was 2/3 of LC R* says LS is bigger than LC, RDR's map, and SA combined Now unless someone was mistaken and they meant the entire map was bigger than LS, RDR's map, and SA combined, you were wrong. *LC The way i read it, they are talking about the entire map, not just the city.
  7. Not so fast, dipshit. In case you didn't notice, I only estimated the size of the urban center of the city. Look again - http://i.imgur.com/TXRDf.jpg I didn't even include the observatory because it's on a mountain. The city area still appears the size I estimated it to be. There's just going to be lots and lots of suburban sprawl in the hills and outer areas. You're as dumb as that bastard above. You're like the retard twins. Did you really think I was estimating the size of the entire map? It even says "Los Santos city area". Dude. We were estimating the size of the city in order to show that the city was too small and therefore miltiple cities had to be in the game. We were wrong. Fail. Ect.
  8. Indeed, what rockstar is doing is way better, coop with yourself. Like masturbating, but better.
  9. Probably just go to the hospital, just like the player does... Pretty sure we start as Michael
  10. Oct 2012 guess was only based on history, not anything concrete..
  11. Not a matter of it, but when... Im betting February well get the bad news...
  12. I think so..the one where the moutnain goes up above the screenshot...
  13. lol wow I got that much, but are those specifics that only that character can do? GI said that each person had a few tricks up their sleeves that only they could do. I'll take my coppy in a PS3 version sent to PHX AZ, thanks You didnt name names so youll get nothing. Jizzin wins.
  14. The land area is huge, i can tell that from the screens... But, rdr map would be good enough, so when they say bigger than rdr, gta sa, and gta4... I want them to mean it and not base it off some technicality, that is all...
  15. Dude. One person robs cars One person flys planes One person is the stealth/tech expert. Read the article, and then see who is who. If you can figure it out ill send you a coppy of gtav...
  16. Gimicky. A way to get money for nothing. $10,000 dlc. No thanks. Maybe the note will read "If you are reading this i have killed myself" How long before the game is hax0red and we get to lick the center of the tootsie pop?
  17. Looks like the skyscrapers have multiple levels, and im fine with them cheating this way, just as long as under water doesnt make up like 25% of their map size calculations