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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Well, yeah, im just saying the article wasnt written in a way that builds hype. There was a lot of exciting things in the article, but they were all glossed ove, compared to detailed explanations why character customations wouldnt come back, why relationships wouldnt come back, ect... I'm glad those things arnt comming back, but i didnt need a half page explanation either.
  2. LOL. I'd pay 60 dollars just for the map, much less the missions.... I think the game informer article did a terrible job at building hype for the game, though. Not a lot of information about what was confirmed to be in the game, just a whole lot of what was confirmed not to be in the game... One sentence about the numerous vehicles in the game, 5 paragraphs about the lack of character customization... I kinda got the feeling that the author of the article was nonplussed.
  3. If the include the ocean was part of the map, id say they are really pulling our legs as to how big the map will be.... I find it hard to believe that his map estimation is correct, unless he is including the ocean, meh.
  4. Seems like the article covered things they werent doing... I personally like the comboswitch thing gta5 has going on...
  5. ^^ Same ^^ It's like we have to wait an extra day here even though we're ahead of the US ( time-wise )................................... Oh well Thursday next week. It's because the US is behind Australia ( about a Day, time-wise ). So we have to wait for them to have their Wednesday. Which means by the time it's Wednesday in New York it will already be Thursday here. Thats a day ahead, dear
  6. Gnaw shit, who let the dog out... Sculpt your own experience bro. Go ahead sculp it. Mmmhmm. Be true to your feelings u got power of thems realities baby..
  7. Yep, he seems like the kind of guy that would enjoy killing and eating children...
  8. Where have you seen it ? I really wanna know because it looks like a epic game. It's not from a game. It's a real picture that's been photoshopped. Wtf is that?
  9. Not the same guy..... But, hey, interesting about the east coast trailer... Seems like he'd be hard to get along with west coast gangstas... Also, seems less likely that mexican cartels will play an important role in gta5...
  10. Im not voting for biden in 2016.... Just going on record now, the guy is too hilarious. Btw, my post right after obama won in 2008 http://www.igrandtheftauto.com/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t790009.html
  11. Last Months Issue was 5 Games Under the Radar... coincidence? Maybe, but i think not.
  12. IGN will probably let us know the time before R* does... They paid for it...
  13. Well, listen, in glad you made a topic about How things havnt changed and how much you like that, some honky stunk up the place with about how it stunk that the place dainted change...