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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. when i right click it it un highlights Put your cursor into that slut and go control-a control-x then control-p all over your signature edit place..
  2. Press the quote button then coppy whats in the reply box to your sig...
  3. i can't, his avatar is blank!! how will i ever know what he looks like?! Thats what he looks like, he got the lead role in "vanishing on 7th street"
  4. This show is getting laughable... Well, at least the prison part is... The governor segments were refreshing though...
  5. Lulz. Anals never served, its always delivered. Marney killed himself, soo.. Um, yeah, Btw, when you say older, do you mean legal?
  6. Wish they would go ahead and announce them, im not preordering until i know what my options are... Fallout nv had special dlc based on where you preordered from... Maybe gta 5 will also take this route.
  7. Just set a word filter in the ap.. [color=black] to [color=green] Or which ever color looks ok on both skins....
  8. Mssacre, if there was ever a time to abuse your mod powers, this would be it. Post that tranny image as a new art work on the main site news...
  9. He's already got a contract with bethesda... I hear fallout 4 is gonna bring back rape in a big way..
  10. I liked dupzors comment about the artwork matching up with the leaked casting calls, but actually, you make a better point gunsmith... Unless, they are being ironic with the environmentalist on an atv...
  11. How about keep it the same map for an entire console generation, but expand it each game release?
  12. I think theres a good chance well be collecting view finders...
  13. They were hard to fly.... They were kinda unenjoyable, really..
  14. I agree, the one thing i do miss from gta-san andreas is the panic i got when i flipped my car over with during an escort mission only to have the car explode, my mission fail, and me being on the opposite side of the map... Also, no need to flame someone just because they are a verified expert, COSenna... I dont get mad at my doctor when he says i need a prostate exam, for example.
  15. I wonder how the view finders relate to the game....
  16. Dude. You can ask any member here, search for the pics.. Im a professional stunt driver... Educate yourself, boy.
  17. Hmm, needed to aquire a lot of money so i can color my hair blue, seems uninteresting to me.
  18. its ok to make marijuana references here. I guess shrooms arent a plant...
  19. Dont you know how many black people are killed every year riding those sport bikes? Thats because they fish tail irl exactly the same way as in gta4... However, since those people cant affort a real gaming system because they are too busy paying child support to their babies mammas that all they can play is gta-san andreas, hence the confusion..