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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. It was rated in europe, so it might be rated there but not with the ESRB...
  2. I think the gold version of the disk has been sitting on the shelf waiting for the back log of games to be released ...
  3. Imagine San Andreas with a large Los Santos and no San Fierro or Las Venturas. One downtown area in the whole game with miles and miles of sprawl around it. Nowhere to fly to except some little town with a dirt airstrip. Most ambitious game? What exactly is this in the marked area? It kind of looks like two big tires with some kind of backrest or something. I don't know what the hell I'm looking at. Someone help me. Maybe they mean the most ambitious of this generation, or co op...
  4. I dont understand how the town survives, they take in sick people, but if one person dies overnight, the whole place could be turned into zombie town.... I would like them to focus on the experiments the quasi scientist is doing.... Im gonna miss the headless pets Definately going to start reading the comics then, i have a feeling that wont make it to the television series...
  5. Crazy shit in new york city.. Im surprised you didnt have to go to work, treefitty...
  6. Massacre enjoys a challenge, craze...
  7. I b strokin, yeah, dats what i b doin
  8. Dont really care tbh. Im not gonna go OMG BUSINESSES the same way i would go OMG LAS VENTURAS!!!!
  9. They arnt robbing ANNA REX store unless they are robbing underwear. I believe there is probably a bank or jewelry store next to it. panty raid!! i guess the protagonist is a pervert... Cool, i noticed he also likes riding around in vans w/o windows... This game is gonna be awesome...
  10. Qdeathstar


    Seems like donkey punch to the asian would be more pat to the purpose...