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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Yeah, gta 4 wouldnt work for a co op focused game, but if they set out to make gta 5 a co op game missions could be tailored for multiple protagonists coexisting at the same time.. At first i wasn't excited about this, but its looking more interesting, each time i think about it... Youd just have to have good partners....
  2. Qdeathstar


    I bought fallout nv on pc just to play your stinking mod ... Get to work..
  3. its show that the store the rob is called Anna Rex... rockstars humor once again ? not much but its something new Anna rex?
  4. is that a threat because you are an employee of GI or a reward for the info? Reward? I posted that shit first, so if anyone is jizzin on anyone, the are jizzin on me...
  5. Maybe you should "think about it" Almost EVERY mission in GTAIV involves 2 or more characters. I'd like a friend to pick up a control and make Roman help me instead of screaming every 2 seconds. Besides, what exactly makes you think you'd have to use the same 2 ppl. Obviously the protag will remain but the extra would most likely be whoever suits each mission. Um recheck that alot of missions have you going solo.... What do you do for that? And no ones gonna want to be your "extra". they are gonna want to be the main protagonist. This situation would just be a no win situation and it's a dumb idea anyway. Well, obviously a game built for co op would have missions built for co op....
  6. Im talking about the main story being built specifically around co op, not just a multiplayer add on option...
  7. Could keep the relative distance short, like they did in gta san andreas (but still larger)
  8. I think they are trying to get everyone to switch ti digital, since distributionand production costs are a lot less..
  9. Sorry, was posting from my iphone and it looks like it missed half my post... I was going to say you have to choose which kind of subscription you get, but you can switch from paper to digital at anytime with no additional costs..l
  10. Qdeathstar


    *strokes finger pretending it is D-O's penis* Good work.
  11. I know there has been a lot of rumors flying around about the possibility of multiple protagonists through out the game. I also know that CO-OP has become all the rage and that a lot of games are doing it now days. Then twice they've released that van picture with the two guys backing out the back of the car in multiple ways, and in the screenshots theres always multiple people in the foreground... I know thats not really evidence, but what do you think about the possibililty of GTA moving from a single player game to a CO-OP game like Left - 4 - dead. How excited would you be about that? I know for myself, i hate having to deal with internet assholes so it would be a bit of a dissapointment...
  12. I was wrong, it wasn't the first friday, it was the first thursday, so in 8 days.
  13. I think the digital issue releases the first friday of every month First thursday, so nov 1 https://mobile.twitter.com/GI_AndyMc/status/258228815707394048
  14. Hmm, the van door is missing its trim.... Dont know if that has been noted. Also, game informer is usually available for download to me the first week of the month... September 7th then oct 5th...
  15. And quite right, mellow. (honkys)
  16. Seriously though brian, how much for the report
  17. 29.99 plus 9.99 per month there after.
  18. Qdeathstar


    OOh, My mission would be to for you to find me some vegas tittle tassles The Courier walks up me and says TALK My response is "Can't you see that i'm busy" (stares distantley)" then your options are OK... then. proud american. [barter 40] You've got something i want, I'm sure I can do something for you [perception 6, medicine 55]Hey, you know, it looks like your looking for something to feel a hole inside of you, I can help. I found your journal, and i too long for a day when a man can where tittie tassles freely! You can either pass the skill checks or you can pick pocket me (steal 90 required) and find my journal. for the barter and perception checks, my response is "Sure sugar, im always looking for someone or something to fill a hole inside of me. But this time i need something more. These twins are getting restless demand to be let out upon the world." You say twins? Lets cut to the point, wanna fuck? Um, i was talking about that riffle, homo! I hate QDs, time to die. for "twins?" I say My Ta tas, Chi Chis, Mellons, Titties!!! I want to feel them DANCE! I WANT TO SHAKE THEM! I WANT.... Woe is ME! Woe is ME! For Lets cut to the point, wanna fuck? I say Sugar, I'd do you. But first, i need you to do something for me! My Ta tas, Chi Chis, Mellons, Titties!!! THEY WANT TO DANCE! THEY TELL ME THINGS! SCARY THINGS.... Woe is ME! Woe is ME! for Um, i was talking about that riffle, homo! I become hostile and attack you for I hate QDs, time to die. You become hostile and attack me. To be continued..
  19. And I'm not surprised that you think 'honky' is an ethnicity. Tell me Q, where is the country of honkyia located? Over there, thats where its located. If it ain't American, to hell with it. Fucking sand honkys, all of them.
  20. Im shocked they didnt find a trace of honky in you, tbh.
  21. It cud be relesed tomaro nvr noe! I also just now got my October Game informer (not November) I feel that somebody is slacking. Gotta go digital, man.
  22. I think you have a good chance at getting something you suggest done because most people will have the same ideas. I think you guys should purge the clan list every year or every 6 months....