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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Qdeathstar


    Theres not really a difference between charisma and speech.... Should just combine the traits... Maybe add diseases, and add a resistance trait.
  2. No, silly. I told him to report it, silly. And if enough people report it, silly, it will get removed, silly. Like it did, silly.
  3. Qdeathstar


    I only have two.. One was a super genius who could talk his way out of anything, lived the straightedge life, and worshiped the NCR.... My newest character is a strong independent female raging with jet, med x and whatever alcohol she can find. She's a real fucking bitch that can see right through peoples shitty facade. She's all force, no finesse, and that means going it alone, well except for her dog and "robot" with pleasure attachment.
  4. And in gta sanandreas... I think they should go fallout style on the clothes, kill the guy, take his clothes. Seemless. Quick, efficient, Plus, stacking up dead naked cops sounds fun,
  5. The forum you're referring to is actually called 'The Asylum'. why was i suddenly reminded of that Monty Python sketch "Arguement Clinic"? Report him as a spammer to google... people can post what they want on the internet. not going to be removed just because you dont like it unless you are the site owner or have permission from the site owner. dont visit these articles if you dont like them. Actually, your wrong. Try spamming up the igta5.com forums and see how long your ability to post whatever you want holds true. Google has a vested interest in keeping the blogs they host relevant. It might not get deleted, but it might get taken out of googles indexing services.... And, look. Its been removed, shocking,
  6. Qdeathstar


    Hmm, your playing the modern day equivalent of barbie doll dress up, /me golf claps. *no disrespect
  7. I might consider an s3 if my music collection wasnt dependent on apple...
  8. Qdeathstar


    Just starter lonesome road... After that ill be ready for fallout 4... Tide myself over with gta5....
  9. It means it will be thier cover issue. That means GTA V artwork on the cover and about a 10 page summary of what he saw plus exclusive pics. Awesome. Now I can't wait for December. November first week, november issue came out in october. I got the digital issue so i should get it real fast and post some scans.. They still have complete control over what game content makes it into the magazine though...
  10. Qdeathstar


    If you commit to a side early you miss out on missions and make factions mad at you.... And they get mad with bullets
  11. How would zobmies added to gta be ground breaking or innovative...
  12. If the answer is "feel sorry for Mr. blackie" the answer is yes.
  13. God this topic is hilarious. From no bikes in nyc to this topic being the asylum equivalent, this topic has antiwin all over it.