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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. They may as well just chuck a city landscape over the RDR map if they're willing to add mexico. I do like the idea of diverse countrysides though. Like maybe some mountains in one part, then canyons in another part etc, with rural villages speckled between them. I wouldnt mind los santos in the middle of an rdr map with a mexican border town thrown in...
  2. I always said if i was going to get a tatoo it would be my enitre left arm in lateralus cover album art...
  3. Well, TBH if they are doing San Diego i say they can keep it. A mexican down would be interesting. Border wars and all that jazz. Keeping the dirty mexicans out, sneaking in drugs... would be a lot funner than a mini los santos.
  4. Well, Ragdoll this Ragdoll that, GTAV should make shooting people relatively easy... if want a war simulator COD does a good job at that (I guess)... I'd much rather GTA V be about making car chases more realistic. EG harder to get away from the cops. EG driving fast in a straight line doesn't get the cops off your tail. Cop chases in GTA-SanAndreas were a lot more fun than in GTAIV
  5. You should post a picture of the tattoo... I mean, if i had a tattoo, i'd post it... What to the words say? You ain't one of those attention whoring wiccan people are you? Best place to ge a tatoo on a women is on the ankle. Its Cute there.
  6. No, he was just saying the geological diversity would make the map more interesting.
  7. Qdeathstar


    Yep yep, i was hoping that right after he said that legion would through an arrow through his head,,,,
  8. I aeen you around before grilled cheese, visit the asylum some time. Nom nom nom.
  9. No Polish?? There was no need to bring the topic down to such a level you racist fuck. Well, how do you spell polish then?
  10. Yes, its about a crazy guy that beleives he is a knight... Everyone takes the piss on him....
  11. Id rather just have them execute the things core to the game than add a whole lot features than are difficult to emplement and have no polish...
  12. Why would they have to cut back on detail for? Los Santos doesnt appear as massive as gtaiv was in its self.... Maybe 2/3 the size... Your assuming way to much as to what is impossible.... Gtaiv might have been realistic, but if your looking for a trend look to the total evolution of the game.... Lotd and bogt.... Moving toward less realism. Also, the map wasnt realistic in gtaiv anyway.... How can you go back to san andreas without going back to san andreas. Only including los santos would be extremely bad optics...
  13. How the hell is it probable? Because you think so? Because from my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) San Francisco and Las Vegas aren't part of Southern California, or the surrounding areas of Los Angeles. How is it probable that they will return? There is no evidence or suggestion whatsoever indicating that they will, so please, enlighten me on why they will return. Well, it says reimagined southern california... Who says how far they can reimagine it. I dont know how you can go back to san andreas, without going back to san andreas. The liscense plates say san andreas....
  14. Still reading don quixote....about 80% through it according to kindle...
  15. Meh, i dont see what is wrong with auto lock... click and shoot, seems good to me.
  16. Like Alonzo Harris in Training Day ( Great Movie ). Not a beat cop but a CRASH anti-gang cop or an undercover NARC. Beat cop was covered in LA Noire and wouldn't give you the freedom that being a Corrupt Detective would. I want him to be low on the totem pole.. a vulnerable newb.
  17. Ok, so here is the story... Your a beat cop torn between two sides, both of them dirty. On one side, your gang which you left behind in los santos and your new family of dirty cops and corrupt casino bosses in las venturas. A favor here, a job there... Things are moving along nicely, working your way up the bad cop ladder... And this point, your boss decides he wants out of the game and goes to los santos to settle down; back to your old turf... Being the big wig that he is, he is into real estate and into revitalizing urban hoods by demolishing them and putting up high rises. The boss calls in one last favor, deal with your old gang once and for all. Which side do you choose?
  18. That is some lovely insight. Im impressed, did you think those thoughts up all by yourself? White guy the boss of a black guy?! Whoda thunk it! I dont think weve seen the protagonist. I think hes going to be a dirty beat cop. I got connections...
  19. Nothing worse than a fat gay emo.... Especially considering all emos wear those ridiculously tight pants....
  20. Other thing is judging by the screenshots, seems like the game is very complicated... How hard is it to learn/ do you really need all those icons?
  21. Instead of moving the topic to the asylum, why dont we delete the bullshit posts...