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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I was thinking about trying this, but 15 dollars a month? Hell no? .
  2. Well, if thats the case im getting the xbox 360 rrod tattooed on the tip of my penis....
  3. Im gonna go ahead and edit my pick from kansas city to san deigo
  4. Infamous was a fun game... Heavy rain was over hyped, more of an advanced point and click adventure....
  5. Seattle... Oakland... Kansas city Vikings..
  6. Sue the school for your concussion....
  7. I dont think that say will ever happen, viceman... Cost/benefit ratio wont ever be less than one...
  8. You've got a point... But banana could be smarter... Besides, banana is in here lurking waiting for some saucy response.. and trolling a moderator is about the dumbest thing you can do... Its like telling a cop to fuck off, you always loose. Grow up...
  9. Well, i defended the topic, but i cant defend that post. Gangsta attitude doesnt get very far around here, just saying. Also, i like the kifflomesqe fact maxims, though im almost sure that was pure hysterical coincidence That is the only part of your post that is relavent, i suggest editing your topic. I would have been moderately interested in what you had to say...
  10. When i said that dual possession always goes to the offense, i was saying that that only applies when both players control the ball at the same time.... And that this situation was not dual possession so dual possession rules don't apply.