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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. ***WARNING: Wall Of Text Spoiler Alert*** Interesting article from PFT....
  2. I wouldnt mind some ultra rear vehicles.... Maybe a unicycle only found in a circus tent... Maybe one of those air balls...
  3. Well, i didnt realize this topic got this many replies... Someone a couple of posts said chinese people dont post here because they dont speak english... Well, there arent even any ethnically chinese people here?
  4. Id say the angle of the shots matters more than then zoom. But the helicopter picture is the most convincing to me, since they using the same engine, draw distances should be similar and viewing angle should be similar,
  5. Dunno, everyone but seahawks fans and you think it was a bad call, so you can think what you want, but your wrong, Fact. The whole gsme was officiated terribly,
  6. So, go on.... Post your dreams here... Last night I had a dream where me and my brother were working at an electronics store like best buy, but the building was way bigger. (2x walmart).. Anyway, in the dream the buildings ceilings were about 30ft tall and there was an office in the front corner with a ceiling about 15ft off the ground, so you could walk on top of the office and still be in the building.. I saw my brother walking quicky towards the edge of the building and was thinking to myself, hell if i would do that, seems dangerous to me.. (Im an electrician so i know that walking as fast as he was on a ceiling could make you fall through the roof... He got to the edge, pulled out an extension cord and hung himself with it. I saw him doing it and thought to myself, well, even if he jumps hes going to hit the ground before he chokes, but when he jumped the rope got taunt and i rushed over, but someone said his neck was broken....
  7. Clearly the wrong call, regardless....
  8. Simultaneous possession is not viewable, except for in the end zone. Were this took place.
  9. The completion is reviewable, who has possession is not. Actually, im wrong.. The announcers said it wasnt reviewable, but it is, in the end zone only.
  10. It wasnt dual position. You cant wrestle a ball away from a defender after your both down on the ground to get "dual" possession. Tate had one hand on it, jennings had two hands, ad the ball was on too his chest.. Is not the singular error, it is three errors in a row in the final drive of the game that has got everyone pissed off. Then beyond that, theres the fact that the officials reviewed a non reviewable play, eg, who had possession... Then after saying the play was confirmed, walking off the field without playing the extra point, not realizing it was a requirement of the rules...
  11. Hes using the height of the buildings compared to their real life counterparts. I think it is probably pretty accurate and that a lot of arrogant people are going to be eating a lot of crow once trailer two is released. How can you go back go san andreas, without going back to san andreas.
  12. Dual possession goes to the offense in the nfl. A defender having possession and going to the ground, then getting it torn from his hands is a touchback... Irregardless of that call, offensive pass interference should have been called on Tate, ending the game. Even if you make the argument that offensive pass interference is never called on those kind of plays, a few snaps later the officials flew a flag for imaginary defensive pass interference. The same officiating crew was in on the rams skins game and they screwed that one up just as much as this one, but just not on the final play of the game... They finally made the right call there, just in time to screw the skins.
  13. I need someone to beat qd like a whore...
  14. Thats a long story, but your cat looks very regal.
  15. It does look like covers pleasure pier.. I can see it right past the nose of the helecopter
  16. I think theve made the strategic decision to stick to the three cities or areas. I will be very interesting to see where they go for gta 6... Its hard to believe its been five years since gta 4... That used to be a console life cycle....
  17. Map size is entirely depended on how many cities there are. I agree with banana that the los santos seems smaller than gta4... Lending a bit to the possiblity of multiple cities, and thus, a much larger map...
  18. There wasnt any evidence of another city in the first gta sanandreas trailer either...
  19. Well, like any amusement park where rides dont work is useless, the should just not have them if the are going to execute them like the did for gta4
  20. rite!? But, they said reimagined state of california. Eg, San Andreas. Which gta cannon tells contains lv and sf aswell. Who are you to decide how far the can reimagine it. Looks good to me, nanners...