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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. He looks like a stuttering baffoon on the field to me
  2. I dont know... Riding the rides isnt a big deal to me, but if your going to put roller coasters and reides in a game, you should at least mke them feel alive... Gtaiv was a busy city but the amusement park was bare and lifeless.. Took away from the game... The amsuement park should have all the sights and sounds of one, if they are going to put it in the game.. I would prefer supermarkets.. And a movie theater aswell..
  3. Tebo is overrated? Thought most people thought hd was bearly a back up qb...
  4. Get a therapist, this is an internet forum.
  5. Sister wouldn't sleep with you? Yeah, i know.. it sucks. I don't think R* would tells us everything about the game in the first trailer. So there is going to be more. I'm not sure about LV or SF but at least some sort of additional city...
  6. Connect with people? Like A Butt Plug? I dont see why not.
  7. Never said no other cities, therefore its not 100% confirmed, as you say. Its important to be accurate. Also, who the hell are you anyway. Chill out. Oh no, different opinions ahead and shit. Also, you dont need to say end quote if you actually put the end quote there, its like saying endquote endquote. When the first gta trailer was shown, did they show lv and sf. Nope.
  8. They didnt comfirm what wasnt in gta5. They said gta5 will take place in los santos and surrounding countryside, thats all they said...
  9. Dupzor, that is the least sexy pic of you.... I love the one with your blue eyes and cum on me face, post that one.
  10. Lost our two best defensive players for the year, time to pack it in because although rg3 is playing good, hes going to make mistakes as. Rookie and defensive sucks and special teams is worse (2 blocked punts)... Fuck.
  11. Gta 4 felt like a step back compared to gta 3 >>> vice >>> sa
  12. I really liked gtasa's countryside... If los santos is the only city, bannana is wrong about the map size, if rockstar is keeping us hoodwinked, he might be right.
  13. People still pay for out of contract phones though..... I can probably sell my iphone four for 250.... You have to have at least not bad credit to sign two year contracts so not everyone can get the phones for cheep
  14. The Iphone definately is not an investment.....
  15. Well, our defense was terribbul, also, bad calls, and stupid josh morgan cunt,
  16. Im going fishing so ill miss the early games, hopefully can still listen to it atleast
  17. Well... Im gangsta gangsta at the top of list so no one gonna be talking bout me. Btw, you are all wrong. You can get people not to talk about you behind your back pretty easily. All you have to do is give them someone to hate even more than they hate you. If they hate someone else so universally, together, they will consume so much time talking about that person they have no time for you. People got a lot of hate to give, the trick is to direct it on a particular subject. Back in the day, people were more agreeable with one another in a general sense because they had someone specific to hate. They weren't as angry, bitchy, rude, ect becuse they directed there angst about the dissapointment of life towards a relatively small amount of people. The key to being a successful cult of personality is giving your people someone to hate. Crusaders, Muslims, honkys, Jews, proud americans, Communists.. But now thats all gone and done, you gotta be nice to everyone. Same quantity of hate is now spread about and undirected. Control hate and you'll control the world. People arent evil they just like to hate things.