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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I know, but if they are having frame rate issues, im sure theyll decrease visuals to compensate.... I looked it up, and it looks like it takes place it several different locals, starting in pittsburg..
  2. Were just doing the pickems... Make your picks or week one
  3. Seems like there is a little bit of a frame rate issue... Did they confirm it is pittsburg? I mean, the guy as a slight southern accent and the town is flooded.. makes me think of New Orleans... eg, if the levees broke after the outbreak.
  4. Colts Eagles Patriots Chiefs Vikings Redskins Jets Lions Texans Packers Seahawks Buccaneers broncos Ravens Raiders
  5. We both lost, so everyone lost one game....
  6. I think the topics were seperate enough, you can suck marneys cock if you wish...
  7. Hmm, havent posted in this topic.... Qdeathstar... Well... About 22 years ago i fancied myself an author and had just discovered the ole internets and hotmail. I needed an email for something, (not porn, beleive it or not)... And wanted [email protected]... However, that was taken so i added q to mean "quick".. Qwriter.... 20 years ago i needed a username to play the lan version of bolo on middle school computers.. And also, since bolo was a game about shooting tanks, eg killing them i decided deathstar would be a good name, eg the star of death, as in famous person. A bit later i needed another email to contact people to play duke nukem 3d over 56k modems... So was gonna sign up as [email protected] but ofc, that was taken so i tacked on the q. Qdeathstar. Knight of debase coutenance comes from don quixote and the knight of the rueful countenance, or as im finding, the knight of the lions...
  8. Its not perfectly clear that fido actually shoots catalina...
  9. I really dont care for these kinds of movies tbh
  10. We having a pickems contest? Im going giants for tomorrows game..l
  11. Why would you want to rent a nigga or asian? i might persue a jew or a mexican, but not a dirty honky or a snotty asian... Besides, you might find a mexican in the countryside, but honkys dont camp.. I wonder of they are going to have human trafficking missions in the country side...
  12. Meh. All i see in there is a bunch of shitty rumors..
  13. Isnt the shit list topic essentially a rumor topic?
  14. I thought metro last light was cancelled... I player metro 2033 but could never get into it... Maybe because when i bought it i thought it would be more like fallout..
  15. I dunno..zombies and gardening dont really go together...
  16. I think that having a Bigfoot that was extremely rare or only appeared on some version of the game would be awesome..
  17. I dont realy see a need for nxt gen systems atm.. Graphics probably ont be that mich better and if they came out now it would be gimmicky bs like 3d and motion control.ll
  18. Rockstar would do anything to make more money, but only if it fit in with their longer term strategy... I dont look at what i proposed as monetizing gta anyway, i look at it as a way to get a larger higher quality map. Rockstar probably cant meet its risk/return point selling a single game that is as detailed and huge as what i have proposed without charging significantly more money The question is, would people pay for it.
  19. Only watch the playoffs??? Shit, i try to watch every preseason game... Even ones that dont feature my team or my devision... Some people say those games dont count and that the players dont play hard, and thats bull crap. For most of the people that play in preseason games those games are the most important games of there life, and they play their guts out...