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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. How did you lose your legs? My uncle is a quadraplegic.. He dived off of a river bank, slipped, and landed on his head.. Btw, five sided fistigon sounds painful for the anus...
  2. No forum announcement for the draft?
  3. I wonder if he will get flied up to the moon..
  4. I thunk they should legalize magic mushrooms. They dont have the cancer causing cancernogens that pot has. But, i think they shouod probably ban cigarettes while legalizing marijuana... Ps, qwob. I lold.
  5. I think more screens simular do what we got last week, but instead of saying more in a few weeks, probably a trailer 2 announcement date...
  6. I dont need them to say it, i can tell it is bigger than GTA IV just by looking at the screens...
  7. I'll probably preorder once i know what the premium edition is going to get me and what kinda preorder perks i can get.
  8. Really massacre? There are tons of chess boards in post apocolyptica according to fallout.... Figured youd be storing them some where for release at a later date.l.
  9. On the dust crop scene looks like a lot of land behind it, then a lot of water, then more land...
  10. I remember getting a pc when i was 8yo, along with aol internet... But i dont really remember what life was like without it.. Or the first webpages i visited, ect...
  11. Id rather have robbery minigames than tennis, i think. Now, if you could play tennis to build up skill, then use that skill along with a tennis racket and grenade... Well... Well that might be a differnent story
  12. There werent to many really awesome thngs in gta iv imo....
  13. Qdeathstar


    I got to follow ortis around again because i was too stupid to see anything the first time. I might just kill him.l. I dont got 200 caps just lying around after buying the mark 2 armor.ll
  14. Never seen it, but sounds like my kind of show lol. What channel? A&E
  15. Well, kuz, next time you feel like sharing some well thought out Relevations with us, feel free... Till then gtfo.
  16. Funniest show is first 48. Totally reinforces the honky stereotype.
  17. I really don't know why people moan about that when you can just turn your phone off? Its annoying, especially since you need the phone for missions. You can turn the phone off after you complete the story line, sure... But otherwise if you turn it off its like pausing the game...
  18. I want to play against gtagrl..l Chess.com is the best chess site...