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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. River rats dont swim well either... Theyre in the river, not by choice.. If you get stoic to post on the site, massacre might give you a blowjob....
  2. I tried, was doing on my iPad, but I agree with everything you said
  3. I shall endevour to update this once a page.. the sun rises over a ruined city. A lone man in a world of zombies, falls to his knees, exhausted. He sighs, hearing shuffling behind him, and reloads his worn, yet trusty shotgun. He turns around quickly, with poise and quickly scans the area. Seeing movement behind a nearby garden fence he backs away, when suddenly an armed crazy survivor knocks him down, and then demands he turn over all his food and ammunition. In a daze, he replied "fuck you", and grabbed the shotgun, slowly pulling himself upright. Taking careful aim, he raises his shotgun, writhing in pain. He takes a deep troubled breath. the crazed survivor begins to draw his weapon
  4. Anyone play this game? Its available for xbl and basically is like lbp based around motorcycles.... Ive made a couple of tracks and was wondering if anyone else has made any...
  5. I think one main protagonist where we explore his adventures
  6. How about 5 words then. I voted for full sentence, but given the option, id vote 5 over a full sentence. Three words can be wasted in pronouns and articles
  7. i like the sentence idea because it lets you complete a complete thought and if you got more to say you can always say it without worring about limitations because really, a sentence can be any length just like how you can get rope in any length which i like because sometimes i need a good rope to tie things up and make sure they dont get away like that one time when i used rope that was say too short and they got free, luckily though i still had a door lock on it that prevented them from escaping or else would have been a big disaster for all like 9/11.
  8. I got a friend named qdethstar that will play
  9. Made me some calzones... Home made everything..
  10. And porn, and foursquare, and bloomberg, and Google! And youtube, .And twitter, and facebook,
  11. They both have a high degree of internet cencorship, but north koreas is much more restrictive
  12. Hmm, wings corn and potatoes... Weird combination
  13. I would like to chat with some chinese people, so if your chinese or know someone who is let me know! BTW, i mean really chinese, not you live and grew up in american but look asian. Ok, thanks.
  14. Dont use the term fucking shit around me, you might get more than you bargained for.
  15. If you transfer the liscense, assuming it is possible, the original party wont be able to use the jank, because you transferd th liscence... Dur da dur
  16. Get some of your friends to sign up evan