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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. We could each manage two teams if worse comes to worze...
  2. http://www.toplessrobot.com/2011/07/dc_is_more_penis-y_than_i_remember.php
  3. Five guys makes the best burgers
  4. I would tell them that the guy took my money, told me he was going to reserve my apartment, didnt do it, and now i cant get in touch with him. Taking money under false pretenses is a crime in the us...
  5. He wanted to secure the apparentment so he could rent it. Sounds like you got scammed. If he didnt render any services hes not entitled to payment. I would contact the police instead of hustling a gta forum.
  6. Arent there ask a lawyer websites for the uk? Maybr you could ask jack thompson, i hear he frequents these forums.
  7. So thats three ppl. Well, ill make a nother status update
  8. I wish he had of been easier to understand at times...
  9. Could still make it work of the cops, but generally, irl, being known by police as a criminal is a bad thing..
  10. Yep, ill we staying up to watch We all should hook up in the chattoom
  11. I don't really like it, but I still watch it because it's the only thing that isn't terrible at that time slot...
  12. Seems like a money grab to me. I bet it will be filmed in a blair witch or paranormal activity style, as all shitty money grab horror movies are...
  13. I think they need realistic fart noises... Several million people in nyc, an alchoholic chubby eastern european, and nary a fart? I think not.
  14. Bones, i dont know about a money leqgue. But id sure be happy if you got your shit together for an igta5 league
  15. Still reading don quixote, just over halfway now
  16. Maybe they use a different condom for each pivot?
  17. Tbh, id rather buy a couple of thugs for 100k and save the other 900k for hookers and blow.
  18. Actually, you could get a cardboard box ( essentially. Just like a tent)
  19. Omg, it depends on the preorder incentives duads!