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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. You obviously don't have much of a clue as to what the hell you're talking about. For one thing, revenue =/= profit. They wish they could make a billion in profit. well, i agree that if ttwo says that gta wont come out in time for the holiday season, investors would count that as a negative for the profitabilty of ttwo. Also, while the article did not say a billion, it said several hundred million in profits, and an analysis did say that profit forecast only made since if gta was going to come out in fiscal q3 2012, which would put in around april of 2013... Ofc, things change all the time and in the in a forecast is forecast, not a fact. We don't have GTA V in our hands currently because they take their time to make something great. This is Rockstar and Take-Two, not EA. I do think it will be harder to ttwo to wait for rockstar games to develop top teir games. Max Payne 3 was a sales disspointment, for example, but was by all accounts a great game. Investors want gta to come out every year, they preach cash cows and definately woud prefer a predictable profit of say, 50 million a year, over a riskier, uncertain profit of 250 million every three years. That said, the entire gaming industry is in a slump, ea's stock price is actually doing worse that ttwo. Finally, ttwo doesnt necessarily care too much about its stock price. Its investors do though, and the investors are the ones who choose who runs the board. So, if the investor arent happy ( theyd have to be very unhappy, and more than 50 percent if them would have to be unhappy), but the stock holders could decide to replace the board with people more dedicated to turning gta into a yearly release... Its unlikey though, since just a couple of years ago ttwos shareholders decided not to allow Ea to buy their shares ( and the company)
  2. All other sports are proud americanry. I'm sure you can get the concussion test done by any doctor. Tell your parents qd said you had to play no matter what or else.
  3. How much time are you going to spend inside your safehouse. Youve got the entire city of los santos to explore, and your telling me you want more interior decorating options? QD,
  4. Fyi, most of those gymnists are 14-16...
  5. I wish they had one of those couches in the chinese flag, would be quite the converrsation peice,
  6. Why did the franchise die? Seems like an excellent competitor to the jak and dexter series. I like your sig, dupzor
  7. I'm hoping for something that's nothing like GTA tbh. You might want to look into another company, then, since most of R*'s games are basically the same thing. Max payne isnt open world, rdr isnt set in modern times.... Midnight club is a racing game.... A lot of their games are different
  8. Post apocolyptic sounds fun, but i enjoyed smugglers run for the ps2...
  9. Either gta 3 or san andreas.... I liked how three had original music.
  10. I dont really care too much. I doubt were going to get snow though, since if they were going to do it, gta 4 would be where it would have made the most since
  11. Yeah, well Adblock is great at my pc, or for someone who's tech savvy.. However, if your at a computer where you can't install programs (work, public places, ect) or aren't particularly savvy won't be able to access the site. It's an easy issue to fix for anyone who knows CSS and java script to fix... Adblock ain't the solution.
  12. Loved the movie, tense, and fufilling. I don't watch movies twice but I could make an exception for the dark knight trilogy.
  13. No, because he said he was inspired by the joker.
  14. I really liked the visuals in the movie and the over all plot/idea. Didnt parse it up into bits though to find every plot hole. I suppose though. Had i, i also wouldnt have liked the movie either..
  15. In this case, only the cops are zombies and you need to protect the upstanding citizens from the evil cop zombies. Dun dun dun...
  16. Thank you. It is the 6th time ive stumbled into this topic for nothing.
  17. Someone should change the name of this topic.
  18. Just got done watching The Prestige... It was good, but i thought inception was far better.