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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I think it would be totally awesome to have a huge building you cant enter surrounded by a huge fields surrrounded by a nine foot high concrete wall/barbeire. Great Map filler!!! Also, you dont generally get bailrd out of prison.
  2. Well damn, ive got the box set just sitting qround collecting dust. /me inserts disk.
  3. It does? I thought they werent bsckwards compatable, and you would need to buy i on xbl...
  4. That bridge certaintly would do the trick...
  5. Times pooted. They should add the ability to fart in game. Imagine being able to clear a room by farting in order to get into a certain area unnoticed.
  6. Well, i guess, if you like to fuck dogs,,,
  7. Are you implying that R* is planning on fucking us? If so, you are a whiney little brat. Go out and get a life. Dude, dont suck marney's ass so much. Vance is just saying that r* only wants to fuck us a little bit, but not totally deflower us, which i kinda agree with.
  8. Woah, your like the super hero, if the whiners are the villians!!! Nice wall of text.
  9. I know it will sell atleast one copy. Gta isnt the top dog at the moment because its not comming out at the moment.
  10. I like the ufc, but i cant seem to ever figure out when it comes on for some reason.ll
  11. Maybe this letter will be the one thing that finally gets through to Rockstar! Fuck those marketing Guys! Give is WHAT WE WANT! NO!!WW!! r ELSEL WE WONT BUY THe GAME WE LUVE SOM MUCH!!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, btw, You can't buy shares of Rockstar.
  12. Being here for i while dont make you not a retard, im still here
  13. The signature limit here is 550px wide, not 850.. Red tinge will make the thing look like crap