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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Meh, if they kill off batman i probsbly wont bother watching it. Mainly because if they do kill him it will be just for pure shock. They can keep the movie, if thats the case.
  2. Seriousy, brian, wft. Fill in all those empty spots on my penisula
  3. Meh, la-noire was kinda so-so. Definately not as good as gta, which is why im not intested in playing grand theft auto as a homicidal maniac cop with a car fetish,
  4. I think that r* said they arent going to announce relaese dates until they are sure beause ttwo doesnt want to get bitched out by there invrstors and stock analysiist about not bring able to make "release dates"... There eas an article about it a while ago... Also, if a stupid person assures you they are not stupid, consider the source.
  5. There is no such thing as anti gravity, also, a person will only float outside the plane if the plane is matching the velocity of the person falling, Since planes have engines, and different terminal velocities that humans, this is unlikely.
  6. Thats actually one of my favorite shows. I watch it whilste jacking off, vigorously.
  7. Im pretty sure irl once you loose a wing, where the fuel is kept, your going down, straight down.
  8. Must br getting lonely psy...
  9. Just read it today, was enticed into comming into this topic by blurridgemountainman, since the blueridge mountains are relatively close.
  10. Skiiing would be cool, nothing funner than riding down the slope with an oozie blastin niggaz and shit
  11. Oh look, an attention whore denouncing his citizenship. How cute!
  12. Go to best buy, buy s shitty graphics card and a nice one, put the nice one in your computer and the shitty one in the nice ones box, then return it. Instant savings
  13. No point in locking it. They probably have a simple buld of the game up by now, even if the game is two years away. Testing takes a long time, and assuming they are using rage it's not like it'd take a whole lot of work to get a build up
  14. My favorite breakfast is a canadian bacon, egg, and cheese bagel.
  15. Gtqgreg, I don't think I your stable enough to play a game like gta 5. may I suggest maden 12 or simplephysics, perhaps words with friends? Tapfish two. These Erie the games you should be playing.
  16. looks cool. i'm not sure why CJ is wearing a jetpack at the party?
  17. I agree that a tripple a game won't be using the same textures from 2007.... they might use the same models though, and just reskin them at a higher resolution. As long as we get the flying/vibrating dildo from GTA Vice City, i'm in
  18. Keep moving toward the east, negro.
  19. It's cold in russia, plus your essentially land locked in day went et Romancing dead people helps you take over the world how, massacre?