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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Thank you. I have the first five winners, I will announce who they are soon as well as the start date for the next round.
  2. Psy and Duffman both solved the puzzle, three more spaces left.
  3. I never posted on his site before, so i doubt it.
  4. You know, i tried to post a comment on your site but when i pressed the "submit" button the page refreshed and nothing happend.
  5. I don't consider this to be a loss of national importance or relativity.
  6. iGTA5.com currently is holding a "guess the release date" contest in which it is giving away a free copy of Grand Theft Auto 5 to one winner who selects the correct release date. I've decided after much debate and deliberation that i will also be giving away a free copy of GTA5, via $60.00USD gift certificate to amazon.com. However, unlike iGTA5's contest which requires no skill, you'll have to be someone smart to win my monies. I have been a member of the forums for quite some time, so I won't back out of my promises and/or guarantees. I will post a series of three quiptograms. These quiptograms will require you to send me the solved puzzle to me via PM. For the first round, the first 5 members tha PM'd me the answer to cryptogram are listed in the order i recieved an correct response . 1. Duffman 2. Psy 3. The9thPawn 4. grove_nz 5. Ku Zi Mu 789 The correct answer was "CJ Has been confirmed by multiple sources to be in Grand Theft Auto Five". ROUND 2 IS LIVE: TOP 3 PLEASE! The new cryptogram will be released 5:00PM Est Sunday April 8th. This time i'm looking for the quickest three responses.
  7. Even if it does come out for Nintendo u, no one is going to buy another console when the game is available for ps3 and xbox360.........
  8. I highly doubt this as gta v has probably been in development since gta I've was released.... Way before the deck it's we're available
  9. The theory is ok but theirs no facts in this topic. They never said he returned with his kids or even that he led a criminal lifestyle. I'm pretty sure he is the protagonist though...
  10. I wouldn't mind regenerative health... Stopping mid mission to run to the hospital to collect a health icon ruined the flow of thr game.
  11. I wonder how amazon can legally sell something someone is selling using rockstars trademarks and intellectual property .
  12. The staffs opinions aren't the biggest ones.... Touching, massacre .
  13. I'd be willing to not be a QD if I was moderator on the other hand I havnt been a QD in just under two and a half weeks .
  14. I would make a terrific moderator, too bad I can't vote for myself... I'm going massacre .
  15. Is this a troll topic. Make me moderator treefitty and I'll work to support black rights .
  16. Not really treefitty, the experience just makes bullets hurt more/ the player run faster/ better handling and control.... Plus with perks it could add a rpg element to the game.... You get a feeling of accomplishment everytime you level up...
  17. I would like perks and levels like fallout .
  18. Graphics in pc games are better than what's in that trailer .
  19. the graphics were good in the trailer, but not the ps2 to ps3 type of graphics jump that you'd expect to se if this was a next gen title.
  20. I didn't say they weren't cool, I said psy loves older men .
  21. Is the guy in the centre at the back taking a dump? The facial expression would suggest so. It it just me or does Psy hang out with a lot of old dudes. I'm guessing your about 13 and those guys look 43... Got a daddy complex?