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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I got one calling me a honky. I cried a little, then I jacked off I wonder what the limit is on the iphone app for shiity useless iphone app signature. I mean, did invision realise this app was so shitty that the needed to give people the ability to say "yo, sorry this post is shit snd i cant quote you or post this cool picturr i took because im using this shiity app, but on the bright side, at least now you know thats why my post sucks."... And even if thats the case why not just simply make that the default signature instead of mindfucking everyone by automatically posting null everywhere. This is an easy fix that makes me go what the fuck. I mean, hell... I know im not paying for the app so i get what i get, but thr invision board liscenses cost money and if you own a site and pay for the liscense shif should work... Also, no adsence or advertising support... Wtf. I would type more trying to get to the limit of this shitty app but ive ran out of stuff to say... So thats it
  2. Malay weapons are a terrible idea, sure you don't have to worry about ammo, but 1. The are heavy and take up lots of space that could be used for other things. 2. You have to let the target get close to you 3.I you need training to kill with Malay weapons. You might get lucky once but all it takes is for them to cut you. One mistake from an untrained hand and that's all she I wonder what the limit is on the iphone app for shiity useless iphone app signature. I mean, did invision realise this app was so shitty that the needed to give people the ability to say "yo, sorry this post is shit snd i cant quote you or post this cool picturr i took because im using this shiity app, but on the bright side, at least now you know thats why my post sucks."... And even if thats the case why not just simply make that the default signature instead of mindfucking everyone by automatically posting null everywhere. This is an easy fix that makes me go what the fuck. I mean, hell... I know im not paying for the app so i get what i get, but thr invision board liscenses cost money and if you own a site and pay for the liscense shif should work... Also, no adsence or advertising support... Wtf. I would type more trying to get to the limit of this shitty app but ive ran out of stuff to say... So thats it
  3. Well, of corse just like in real life you would be welding multiple chainsaws I wonder what the limit is on the iphone app for shiity useless iphone app signature. I mean, did invision realise this app was so shitty that the needed to give people the ability to say "yo, sorry this post is shit snd i cant quote you or post this cool picturr i took because im using this shiity app, but on the bright side, at least now you know thats why my post sucks."... And even if thats the case why not just simply make that the default signature instead of mindfucking everyone by automatically posting null everywhere. This is an easy fix that makes me go what the fuck. I mean, hell... I know im not paying for the app so i get what i get, but thr invision board liscenses cost money and if you own a site and pay for the liscense shif should work... Also, no adsence or advertising support... Wtf. I would type more trying to get to the limit of this shitty app but ive ran out of stuff to say... So thats it
  4. Not for everything... I like being able to kill people with a push of a button. But u gotta get up and stretch yer third leg once n a while... Kinect mini games would be perfect Yours sincerely, A fine gentleman with an iPhone.
  5. I'm going skiing this weekend and i was thinking it would be cool if i didn't have to leave my house to go skiing, and you know with the wii, kinect, and move its a real possiblity that V could let you use some of these gadgets for minigames, like skiing those mountains....
  6. So are they doing it, i gotta schedual my life around this Psy, your really ruining my life. Tell your server guys that your members deserve better information. I have shit to do like read other forums and if this once can't be counted on to be on when i'm on i don't know whay i'm gonna do.
  7. Make sure you video tape it first Massacre,
  8. Intel: I guess the most important question you should be asking yourself is what kind of threat are we looking at? A threat like no other, obviously. Even more so than them jews. They like to bite. And you can't eat them... they are pretty much like fighting dogs.... Are the zombies fast & vicious? Well, unfortunately unlike the movies, zombies in real life move simular to humans. They simply have no control over their brain, but their muscular system remains uneffected. Are they slow and avoidable? They are not slow, so if they spot you, depending on how fit they were in real life they may be able to catch you. However, zombie's are not smart and are not able to reason. They are generally unable to open doors or walk down stairs. They may walk upstairs, but this is troublesome for them and takes considerable time. In general, closed doors block zombies, stairs slow them down. While they have the strenght to break glass and remove barriers, they do not understand the cause-effect of such actions, making them unable to perform these tasks in a tactical manner. How do they hunt? do they stand idle until they can see/smell you? Or do they hide and wait for you? In general, due to the fact that zombies are unable to reason, they will only be dangerous in large groups, and this is the way they like to hunt. Due to the fact that the virus is very easily transmittable, zombies will always outnumber you where ever you go. Like humans, zombies have difficulty hunting and night. Their vision is further hampered by the fact that once they become infected, the virus attacks parts of the nervous system, in particular the occular nerve. In cases where humans have recently been infected, this causes extreme paranoa and violence. If one in your group becomes infected, kill them emediately because zombies in stage one of the infection are the most dangerous. They still have some ability to reason, but most of their ability is channelled through aggression. Zombies are forever hungery. This is how the virus works. As was said before, the nervous system is attacked disabling key parts of the nervous system, once of those is the feeling of hunger. Zombies want more and more and more and can never be sasciated. This causes several problems which humans should be aware of. Firstly, Zombies are like humans in that they have a stomach which can only hold a specified ammount of material. Unfortunately, because zombies continously have the desire to consume if they are in a situation where they are able to eat a large quantity of material, they will regurginate this material. This material is extremely infections and you do not have to bit or cut to become infected by this material, so avoid situations where you come in close contact with zombies, or zombie puke. Refuge: Where you will hold up. Is your house/flat/apartment safe in an outbreak? Any structure with suitable doors/windows is safe. The problem comes when: a. you need more supplies or b. you let somone in that is in the very early stages of the infection (<2 days). or c. you choose to hold up in a high-value target and come under the attack of someone who wants what you have. I recommend using these locations to scavage only, not to hold, as they will require too many resources. How many people do you have with you, and will they help you survive or end up getting you killed? While it is nice to have a companion or two, it is your duty to travel alone. If you are in a group, and one person gets infected, the entire group may become infected very quickly. The survivial of the human race depends on the ability to outlast the virus. In general, zombies can maintain an animated state for around 3 weeks. This virus will be self-limiting, its just a matter of whether or not you will surve this period. Will you seek refuge somewhere else, and why? Will you keep moving from place to place, to avoid being cornered? Keep moving. Rationing: What you will do when you run out of food & water. Water should be easy. Start collecting rain. Its your best bet, avoid drinking from public sources of water or from streams and the like due to the fact that you don't know where a zombie may have regurgitated the highly infections materal. Will you go out and look for food? You don't really have a choice.Just remember, try to do it at night. Avoid high value targets. There are 100 houses with cans of food, but there is only one supermarket. Do you have one place in mind that will house all your needs? Yeah, and so will everyone esle. Theres no point in having a shootout especially when gaining intel on your potential target will be incredible difficult. You don't have a lot of storage on the move, What is the most essential food and tools for survival? Canned goods and rice. Ramon noodle is good too, as it is light wieght and dense. Defence/Offence: So you want to survive? What sort of weapons & defence do you plan to put in place to help you live longer? Idealing you'd want a gun with some sort of silencer. Keeping bottles and placeing them over the muzzle works well. Avoid malet weapons unless you are trained in them. Using these weapons will most likely result in you cutting yourself. In addition, in close combat you run the risk of having a zombie regurgitate on you. Finally, if you find yourself in a situation with more than one or two zombies, you better start running because your not the terminator. If you have a gun, do you have enough ammo? if not, where will you get it? Keep this shit stocked up, son. What sort of melee weapon will keep you a good arms length away if you have to come face to face with one? really, not worth it. As mentioned above. Unless your some sort of jet-li samari... these weapons won't help. Will you secure your windows if you have any? If so, with what, and where will you get that? Unless your trying to prevent rival humans from attacking you, theres no need.
  9. The molexers will just cost extra money and don't provide full voltage due to the low-reactance voltage capacitors they have in them. I've been dealing within computers for over 20 years, so i know what i'm talking about.
  10. you need soldier, flux tape, and then you just cut the wires and hook em up. Red to red, black to black.
  11. o dat is so neet, i didnt know day, immm gonna trry it wheen i git home 2day . I think if dey do put donkeys in de game they shud als0 pot cows 2.
  12. R* will keep making them until they get bought out or go out of business, then the "buyer" wil want to maximizing the value of the GTA brand, make a game every year till gamers don't care about it anymore, and thats how GTA will die QED NQP Also, December 21, 2012.
  13. We've all seen the trailer with the nature and country side, and a lot of tourist places take people around on donkeys out west to explore canyons and the like... and donkeys are funny. So do you think they will put donkeys in the game? Also, do you think we can ride on them...ride in them, or otherwise control them? The possibilities are endless, but it does make me really excited about GTA5.
  14. Religion is made up of beliefs, but a set of beliefs is not necessarily a religion. The two are connected, clearly, but having beliefs is far from having a religion. A house is made of lumber, but a pile of lumber isn't a house. owned. I'm not high and mighty at all, I won't try and convert you because I don't care if you agree with me. I am indifferent. blah blah blah look at me so swell.
  15. Agnostic people piss me off more than christians do... all high and mighty -- too smart to make a decision.
  16. not quite what i had in mind when i started... but this signature is definately finished.
  17. I made some changes, i couldn't really see anything on the blue on the bottom conquested but i made sure it was all black this time.
  18. Remember the RC minigames in GTA-SanAndreas? Do you think they need to return for GTA5? If R* dont put them in i'm not buying the game, but i was wondering what you people thought.
  19. it suks that that shitty game Max Payn3 3 was delayed because now were gonna have to wait till it gets relate before the only game that R* makes that is worth a shit gets some more information released. . Can't wait for Red Dead Redemption's sequel