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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I think they should parody Barack Obama My Penis, Your Ass
  2. I can't believe I haven't played this yet.... My Penis, Your Ass
  3. Will star wars get me layed??? My Penis, Your Ass
  4. Im not so sure we should be blowing people in half before we blow them.... My Penis, Your Ass
  5. No, the Jews wanted Jesus killed because they thought it was blasphemy that he called himself the son of god and "the king" and went to the emporer of Rome asking him to kill him for treason because he was referring to himself as king... However, the emperor wasn't interest in it and instead decided that if the Jews wanted to kill him they'd have to do it in the week were roman law didn't apply to the jews My Penis, Your Ass
  6. I think it would be cool if when you slice a bitches neck off, she bled flowers instead of blood, as they are easier to clean up.... So I'm going to say no thanks to gore My Penis, Your Ass
  7. The more important question is, why does it matter? I don't care if some afghani sand honky goes to hell, and neither should you. QED BTW, I'm a huge fan of segregated religion. I hate to be a stickler on facts you know, as facts and religious debate almost never mix, but: 1. If you accept that Jesus existed 2. You accept that Jesus and God were related or 1. You use the story to make a point Then you have to complete the story with: The evil Jews didn't kill jesus because: 1. Jesus was resurrected 2. He sacriced himself of free will to forgive us of our sins Therefore 1. At worst the evil jews are guilty of assisted suicide. My Penis, Your Ass
  8. Irony. I make a post about how there is to much moderation, and in return I get more, automated, moderation. My Penis, Your Ass
  9. I think partial touch screen controls would be ok.... You could set custom buttens.. Minigames... ECG My Penis, Your Ass Btw, casual gamers probably out number core gamers by now or very soon... So I suspect video game developers and console developers are more concerned with them.... My Penis, Your Ass
  10. 20 to 30 gallons? how far in the distant future do you live in? thats what my ranger has... 20 gallon tank 25mpg...
  11. They don't have to put the full game in though, maybe just the last mission or something.. EG: L33t Gamer stuck on last level needs to get to 100%, if you get to 100% I will give hax for you.. Think of the parody it would hold for those wankers who want to get to 100%
  12. Why the fuck was my "Why do you think GTA 1 wasn't as popular as GTA 5" Topic locked...
  13. Can't make a poll on the iPhone but if it were dlc only, as some rumors have floated, all else equal would you still buy the game My Penis, Your Ass
  14. I was just sitting here thinking about not playing gta 1 and I was wondering why that is. From all accounts they were pretty good games yet noone plays them, but I can't quite put my finger on what makes them less popular.... Also, I was thinking there might be a mission where you need a tech/geek to help you in some sort of bank hiest... And you might have to complete a mission in gta2 while playing gta; in order to convince him that yur l33t enough for him to help you. So, what to you think? PS MODS this is a serious topic please don't delete. My Penis, Your Ass
  15. Duffman is know around here as one of two thing: Winner; the Or A man with a little stick who swings a big one. My Penis, Your Ass
  16. I was kinda disappointed when I saw the buildings in the trailer... I was hoping that gta5 would be more like red dead redemption and only have a few buildings surrounded by a lot of low res country side Here is something you can't understand, how my iphone could just kill a man.
  17. Well sinse were all spamming/ trolling... I didn't like tlatd because it was annoying to have to ride bikes which were a little touchy and In general a pain in the ass... Also, driving in formation was lame and tedious.... Here is something you can't understand, how my iphone could just kill a man.
  18. My Penis has needs, like i do, we both want, to rape you and the forums . But, i don't remember fucking anything up. Psy over reacted because someone on the internutz threatened to sue him for someshit and i made fun of the guy. I forgotted that the internet is surious business. this >>> link got me deadmined, and i destaffed myself a couple of months later because i was inactive/couldn't be bothered[/url]. IN UR FACE DUFFMAN!
  19. yes, thats my point. That would be an invisible wall, TreeFitty. Dur-Da-Dur.
  20. Come on treefitty, they better not out up invisible walls... It's 2012 people Here is something you can't understand, how my iphone could just kill a man.
  21. Psy needs to stop hitting up hot chicks and spend all his time on this forum. I've sent a friend request on Facebook to him multiple times so I could network with him to get these forums exactly how I want them. He hadn't gotten around to approving them, and I think it's because of his hot girlfriend.... Dump her psy, u got responsibilities Here is something you can't understand, how my iphone could just kill a man.
  22. I'd rather have it on the forums than on the main site, done the main site is what people see first Here is something you can't understand, how my iphone could just kill a man.