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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. So, i was doing these last fall before i broke my leg and never got around to doing them again (mainly because there was no GTA news). But since were heading into a busy stretch, and i didn't want to do the same old BOORING podcast, this is a little something different, as podcasts Go. (script below). http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/d7ajw6re6d/igta5_com.mp3 Script proceeds Its kinda rush job, but the next one will be better.
  2. My guess is that they hired the ppl that made that video do a couple of commercials/songs for a radio station in the game.
  3. What if the game isn't released before december 21, 2012
  4. Must have run out of money again. the guys are so fucking old now i don't know how they make it funny and not just weird.
  5. Just caught the first 6 episodes on Netflix. Very good thus far. Didn't catch the comic, so i can't bitch about that*
  6. BuickBoi, i can make you signature if you send me your files.
  7. Is this the announced release date or the actual release date.
  8. Rockstar call it GTA V. facepalm I think it will because video game companies definately don't want you renting games or buying used games because they make zero revenue from that. Streaming is the only way to eliminate the disk (and therefore the ability to re-distribute) and so i'm sure its coming probably within the next two console cycles.
  9. i'M 5/10 at the moment which is better than what i was when the trailer for GTA4 was released (3/10). I'm hopping this trailer gives the same OMGWTFBBQ! feeling that the trailer from GTA-SanAndreas did. We'll see.
  10. LOL. Guess i won't be playing GTA5 then.BTW, its 5 not V... the logo says five. Dipshits. *the future of gaming is clearly headed toward the on-live direction; its just not there yet.
  11. I hope the game will look like RDR. It had the best visuals out of any R* game i can remember. LA-Noires graphics are shitty imo.
  12. is it considered bad practice at work to look at pictures of dead bodies?!
  13. I dont get the point. GTA 5 will probably already have mp there fore no need to mod it...
  14. rockstar's GTA - SanAndreas site is the first thing that comes up.
  15. A band would be kinda cool, you could do missions for them but if its just something to go and do, pass.
  16. Psy, why would rockstar be reading this topic. If you had of told me that i would have showered.
  17. Congratulations on being the first new member to post in the topic. I love the way you groan, btw.
  18. Whats this about masturbating? A few points: Someone said that GTA5 could be released in April like GTA 4. GTA 4 was announced in like march or april for an october release that was delayed till April of the next year. So April isn't happening. I'm betting on either soon (like end of November) because there' no need to build up hype for 5, or in October of 2012. Probably october 2012. I think multiple protagonists would be ok, but as long as its not just pick a man or woman type of thing. Thats cheesy. I'm really hoping its not co-op because gta fans suck. They are a bunch of egotistical assholes that enjoy ruining any hope of multi player fun. I think it will be one city like GTA IV because games are getting increasingly complex, detailed, costly. I am hoping for some country side though.
  19. Well, even though it's skimp, I'd say the 5 dollar bill looking five almost assures that it's going to be set in America again. It doesn't really have a west coast or Florida feel to it either so I'm guessing Detroit or chicago.
  20. Qdeathstar


    Did i mention how sweet fallout is in 3D?
  21. agent need(ed)s a lot more hype build up than gta 5... so i think comparing the two is useless. Also, isn't max payne an FPS? GTA is a sandbox game.... they really don't compete all that much. 6mo separation would be plenty of time.