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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Qdeathstar


    Fallout gtao style would put an end to sp dlc.... New skin for the pip boy... Yippee.. Gto is nothing but a skinfest and frankly I'm surprised anyone is excited about it considering they want 20 bucks real money for the stock model of the same thing with a different skin. I mean, I'm sure fallout is heading that direction, money ftw, but I'm hoping we get one more worth while game out of it....
  2. Qdeathstar


    They haven't announced anything about it, but I'm hoping they keep it single player only...
  3. well, you guys are pathetic. also, We're having a federal election. Our current PM was recently quoted as saying, "marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco." The other parties support some form of decriminalization or legalization, so at least it might be possible to turn the corner on that issue. Harper is like our George W. Can't wait to see him go. out of curiousity, did he offer any facts to go along with the that statement? that could change at the drop of a hat, though. Its the administration that decided that... it's not a law.
  4. Qdeathstar


    I never had that problem... Prolly cause I didn't feel the need for companionship in the wasteland... Me and the ghoul making jet below tenpenny tower were almost companions... But i hit rock bottom a few years ago when he ran out and I shot him in the head...
  5. Qdeathstar


    you have nice soft hands awe man, you got the SHIRT too.. and you pull it off... fat men look pathetic in vault gear
  6. Qdeathstar


    I got the fallout anthology nuke today. It's a foot and a half tall. WOW Looks better than the picture...
  7. Qdeathstar


    I'm putting all my shits into science and strength. I can't stand leaving shit behind so gottsta be able to carry a lot, HAXOR, and lockpick!
  8. Newer tvs are giving people less and less options with regards to this. I'd call up Panasonic support though... There are too many differences in tvs of even the same brand... It'll be faster...
  9. Cuda, just saw your reply... Maybe, but I do not like android OS, at least the way it is presented on the note4.. It's clunky and cluttered. Newho, I had an opportunity to test out an iWatch for a few days. It is a very nice product, and it is easy to use... But, I was using the stainless steel version and that watch weighs at least a pound... It was like dragging an anchor around...
  10. Sorry for your loss bones.. Was in here a few days ago and saw but couldn't come up with any snide remarks... Still can't..
  11. Qdeathstar

    Mad Max

    well, I mean, fallout 4 is right around the corner and this had subpar reviews...
  12. Cool pics, but I came into the topic hoping for nudes...
  13. I got live back ups to the cloud... For whatever reason I had three hard drives fail back to back and I lost about a week or work each time.. So I've ppted for cloud back ups... No worries.. Plus I can access it from other pcs...
  14. that car looks a lot better than his current car, though... it depends on the mileage difference though to know if it's a good idea...