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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. 100,000 is more than i'd spend on any car. EDIT: I thought somewhere i read that the new tesla was gonna be around 40k... i was off by exactly that much. its 80k meh.
  2. No, I have a maxtor notebook drive in mine... No issues...
  3. Reading Cats Cradle... I've read it before, but not in a while...
  4. Thinking about getting a tesla... The base model is down to around 40k now.... Probably buy a used one and get it for 30k...
  5. Windows 10 boots up in about half the time of windows 8 from a cold start
  6. he's not cooking meth, he's placing various body parts into vats of hydrochloric acid.
  7. Qdeathstar


    woah. For fucking real? well then... ok... I mean, I'd fuck her either way... got a face pic?
  8. Second episode was pretty good, Though I think they are moving too fast... By next episode the apocalypse will be in full affect...
  9. Qdeathstar


    That would be pretty funny if ziddane turned out to be a tranny after all these years...
  10. “We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered.” Tom Stoppard
  11. You've turned into a soulless crooked wretch. Who knew that loving you was such a chore 'cause now I think you need a shank, here catch! The path ahead is cumbersome and sore. I took my time to find terrible truth . I lost the light chasing torrential rain, I found no hope in lessons learned in youth, I've spent my moments alone buried in chain. My pain is built in memories of you, a ghost suffered in trust was burned to hell. was what we shared ever faithful and true? who cares, fuck you, I can't pretend to tell. I'd point to costs of karmas bought as why, Remorse was faked the day after you died.
  12. Qdeathstar


    I spend 360 on story mode for fallout 3 when I finished that game and around 280 for Nv... I played the both again and those were around 100hrs so... Fallout three has more replay value, I think..
  13. Qdeathstar


    hmm. Did you try throwing it really far?
  14. I watched it last night, thought it was pretty good. the actors were ok, but it's venturing into TV-drama cliche land with the broken home storyline, I thouht the sister acted a little too romantic towards her brother but whatever I agree the pace was slow, but at the same time, I found the pace of the story arch to be much faster... I thought this was going to focus on events right before the zombie apocalypse ... but it seems like it's opening up right as it starts..., I really can't see this lasting more than 2-3 seasons before the story runs its course and the delay tactics become ridiculous.... we'll see.
  15. uh... stop cumming in your eyes before you go to bed?????EDIT: Maybe someone is cumming in your eyes after you fall asleep? That could be it... yeah... Are you a heavy sleeper? speaking of eyes. my eyes hurt all the time, and feel scratchy. when I use eye drops, they feel swollen. went to the eye doc and they both told me to fuck off.. so fuck em.
  16. Qdeathstar


    Your almost to the point where it doesn't hold your interest anymore...