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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Those ladies behind you look ready for some anal arousal
  2. Yes, definitely the one thing we need to do is reduce the number of topics people are making. Bravo
  3. if GTAgrl ever wants to wrestle, all she needs to do is let me know. I'll fucking clear my schedule.
  4. http://shimercollege.wikia.com/wiki/Fake_Quotes_Project/Einstein/The_difference_between_genius_and_stupidity_is_that_genius_has_its_limits
  5. But which one is best, massacre?
  6. ok. one phone has battery battery life, better sound clarity, and only costs 1 dollar. another phone has a battery that lasts one hour, sounds like an airplane engine, and sells for $699. which one is best?
  7. Bro, dude, dawg, mah main niggah. You can definitely declare something the best based on subjectivity, as, sometimes, that's the only measure you have. e.g. Art. And if you want to get really spacy, any objective measurement of what is best is actually based on subjective assumptions about what the objective measurements should be, and how to measure them. in truth, objectiveness is a farce.
  8. how long did you use the iPhone for? a phone is a lot like a work of art. it feels. it looks. it's composed. Subjectiveness is all that matters in a phone.
  9. I've used the note two, a flagship android device on a regular basis. It sucks.
  10. Apple makes the best smartphones... I mean, if you don't like or use smartphones, then your right Cuda....
  11. I'm not buying the watch, but.. I would get the warrantee, soley because this is a first generation product. Which is also why I'm not buying it..
  12. I liked your post mainly because I got enjoyment out of your signature...
  13. If you'd consider stepping back into fantasy again, a few years ago I read the Long Price Quartet, I've read loads of fantasy series, but this one has in my opinion the most interesting concept - poets and andats. Murakami? I read something by him some time ago and it was quite good. I picked up and started on, because my dumbass never got around to read it before. Which Murakami? I've read a few books by Ryu Murakami which were quite short but were good stories (Popular Hits of the Showa Era being one example) but I assume you mean Hiroki Murakami. His writing seems a bit serious but I might check it out properly. The Liar's Key by Mark Lawrence is out in June - can't wait!! Will definitely check this out - still want to read Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale as well... Thanks all Yeah, Hiroki, 1Q84 sounds interesting. And yeah, I'm going to order Prince of Fools later, I found it under £5 on a website. I love Mark Lawrence. Post Office was pretty fucking amazing, definitely one of the best reads I've had in a long time! Now reading, I read both of them, I liked fahrenheit better.
  14. cops prefer the chicken shit stuff like this, you'd be surprised
  15. I can't condone your use of marihuana gunt, but I'm glad it has learned you some agricultures and biology.
  16. Most photographers are miscreants seeking to hide their perversions behind an illusion of art. It's not suprising that gunny is a pedophile...
  17. it ws scary than the first dead space, and that is saying something.
  18. the last half of the final season of soa really does take some getting through...
  19. Why not, the show is pretty epic. I mean, it's not like breaking bad, but it's still good.
  20. I wasn't counting the refrigerated cans... I got 4 12 packs in a wine cooler......