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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. You don't have to, I wouldn't... I didn't realize we had this topic... Painting if done by a professional should take a day or two, unless you have a real old house with those old wooden windows ect that need a lot of sanding Tiling takes 2-3 days should be done after the painting is done.. Everything else can be wrapped up in a day.. Two weeks real time cause people are slow
  2. I'm not sure pot has gotten sweeping reviews from the medical field when it comes to teen use I guess if you were going to choose to get fucked up one way or the other, pot might be the better choice. But, like I said in the beginning, getting caught with weed ruins a lot of opportunities youll have, while getting charged with manslaughter after blowing a 1.8 with a couple of AA meetings gets you sympathy and a chance to start over...
  3. I didn't say it was different, but saying smoking pot is ok because I don't drink is ludacris... I'll pray for you, dear. Eg, Cutting myself on the right arm is ok because I don't cut myself on the left arm
  4. I'm not comparing the two, I am making an analogy between them.. Kinda like apples is to oranges as cats are to dogs...
  5. Investing money in vaporizers, glass bongs, ect... I don't understand why people bring up alcohol as in excuse for their weed use. Hey man, my coke use is ok cuz I don't use heroin.
  6. This seems complicated. It might be awesome in the sterile environment of the review booth, where people get payed to play games, but irl when you only have a few hours a week to play, and your buddies also only gave a few hrs to play, and those times don't match up perfectly, might be way too complicated for it to be enjoyable. I used to be a hardcore but I've definitely settled into the softcore segment now...
  7. Brian, so you've decided you want to devote your life to pot?
  8. gogopipes.com I purchased a waterbowl for someone from there, low prices good quality.
  9. and my phone. actually, on my tablet I can at least get it to stay on the bright colored template, so that is something to do with my phone, probably... but the dark skin is buggy no matter what device Im using, and apparently massacre was having similar problems with the quote function...
  10. it stayed before the last forum update. (the skin selection) there isn't a way to resize the text box on my screen.
  11. how is the text box resizable? asside from that, the "add image to post" button doesn't work on the skin, and the quote function doesn't work reliably.
  12. another issue is that the dark skin does not function worth a shit. I can't use it on my tablet, and when I switch to the light skin, it never remembers my setting and reverts to the shitty black skin, WTF TREEFITTY, THIS IS YOUR FAULT!
  13. I didn't get there by starting out selling drugs. For instance, did you know they a single drug charge makes you ineligible for financial aid for high education? To me, that is crazy, but that is the rule. If you don't get caught everything is rosy, but if a cop decides to pull you over for riding your bicycle the wrong way on the street, just to, you know, see what's up, your seriously fucked. Drug convictions set people way way way back in life. I dont see the reward being worth the risk.
  14. I mean no, I'd still feel lucky to bang you either way I've drempt about it, GTAgrl I like squeezing myself into a size 8, you get the whole auto erotic asphyxiation thing going...
  15. I'm able to do many things that go beyond paying the bills, Gunny... Vacations, investment, owning properties, nicer things. Most drug dealers make minimum wage jobs and live in crappy apartments. Av least that's been my experience.
  16. I mean, sure. If all you want in life is to be able to pay the rent the go for it..
  17. I can't think of anyone who has become successful by selling weed, Brian. Good way to get shot though, as one of our own forum members found out. #red You get caught selling weed good luck with the air force gig
  18. record yourself saying "sod it" in a semi sexual way and I'll let you know. but, mercy, I always pictured you as kinda chunky, say... 160~180
  19. Qdeathstar

    Mad Max

    I understand that, but I thought they were developing this as a last gen title originally.....
  20. Dr Brian folks.. If your going to post pictures to justify your argument, make sure they aren't fake. Brian, also, cheers for changing your argument after realizing what you said was foolish at best.
  21. Qdeathstar

    Mad Max

    I wonder why they ditched old gen.. Seems like that'd be where they started...
  22. Hey, I said she was fat, not unattractive... I try to believe that everyone is in some way beautiful and some people hide it better than others... Holy Shit, I thought I was the only one left in this day and age. Skinny is unattractive.... *in your opinion Some girls are naturally skinny, no one is naturally fat. Just my two cents. If someone can be naturally skinny, they certainly can be naturally fat. Not that that is an excuse to be fat. But someone who is naturally fatter has to work harder at it.