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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Dude. I worked at walmart for 3 years. You can literally load a 50 inch flatscreen onto a trolley, walk out the front door and fucking nobody will try to stop you. I saw it happen multiple times a WEEK. EDIT: Mid morning is probably the best though 10am-11am get in before the greeters and security are in, but it's just busy enough that you can blend in with a crowd. Seriously, I've seen people make a living by stealing from Wal-Marts. I know, but im recommending he start small... A 50 inch tv is a lot of packing it into your car
  2. Right. Yo wanning dun skehhrd dis niggah real gud. I know their out there. I know.
  3. I'm pretty sure hamburger meat costs less than preformed patties, not that 10 cent one way or the other makes a big difference, but you enjoy turning every comment into some huge issue, so enjoy, winner.
  4. Im just saying, patty out your own fucking hamburgers....
  5. Qdeathstar


    When is destiny coming out?
  6. The preformed hamburgers do accentuate the white trashiness of the pics. Im pretty sure swim has that same exact bong though, except his mouthpiece is broken and he has used duct seal to keep it together....
  7. I liked girl interupted, this is more light hearted and funny.
  8. Bro... Drive 50 miles, walk into a Walmart, grab a manageable sized tv walk confidently towards registers, then dart out the front door and head home. Protip: stay under 32" and park your car near the exit. Drive slowly away and do it mid morning. Cheers.
  9. It Arrives I hear the crackle and feel the boom, light flashes and I can see your stormy eyes staring seductively. The aroma of virga fills the air; A gust pushes chimes, they surrender. The storm is coming. The first drop wets a blade of grass, erect, ready to accept the warmth of summer's shower. Everything feels intense now: the vibrating thunder, throbbing lighting, and dripping rain. The storm has came.
  10. Yes. If you want some things to get done, its necessary to discuss the reality of things.
  11. Yup me too, what do you have in mind exactly? I want more desert south East of the map and a snowy forest to the north. It might be a bit much but seeing map mods like red dead desert and countryside mountain for GTA IV it could happen. Im not sure, id settle for more terrain. Perhaps some white water/steeper rivers. A taller mountain with dense forest...
  12. I would like more land. Perhaps a random terrain generator... Also, stall able plane physics
  13. You can still "play" with her even if she is paused out.
  14. *i could be your female, baby*
  15. The school looses money if they give you the credits, also, i dont kow why you'd want to go out of state, unless you like debt. Havard is really the only school worth paying extra for, imo.
  16. Not really. Internet and tv are on different frequencies. It depends on how many splitters are in front of that splitter. Most modems work ok at -12db plus and with a two way splitter you loose -3.5db. But if you got a 5 way splitter at the utility connection already, then you add another splitter to that you could be getting close.... It won't affect speed of the internet either way, but picture quality on the tv and lost connection on the modem (having to power cycle the modem 2-3 times a week are the main symptoms of low db
  17. What is annoying is mobo manufacturers have optical out but don't support 5.1 encoding
  18. Qdeathstar


    I think there will be a few additional features and gameplay that we didnt get in gta 5. I am, however, disapointed a out the lack of any sp dlc thus far.
  19. Fios is kinda funky, but im pretty sure splitters still work. 5mz-1gz
  20. Qdeathstar


  21. Qdeathstar


    I think they should leave mortal combat where it belongs, in the 90s...