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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I don't think they've flashed narry a nipple*
  2. I know at least some of you watch it! Its pretty funny, clever, and its got a good story and good actors. If you get past the first opening credits of the show (themesong) its not all "poor vaginas in jail" I would definitely recommend subscribing to Netflix for this show. I also watched house of cards, which is good, but not as good as oitnb. Welp, there you go.
  3. I'm for legalizing pot. I'm also for being realistic about the consequences of smoking pot every day. I'm for legalizing pot because: Anyone who wants to smoke pot, can. Pot should be taxed, I wants some of that tax revenue. It's probably less addicting/harmful than cigarettes and alcohol. The cost/benefit of keeping pot illegal in terms of law enforcement is way out of balance. And their is probably more organized crime (and thugs) as a result of pushing large amounts of pot sales underground. Those are a much better argument for the legalization of weed than " if is totally groovy and good for you"
  4. Late, unless you want some used snatch.
  5. Eating some sugar or some caffeine doesn't have negative consequences, smoking some pot doesn't have negative consequences. Eating a lot of sugar or drinking a lot of caffeine does have negative consequences, likewise smoking pot everyday also has negative consequences. Anyone who has engorged themselves to a point where they are obese is probably addicted to sugar. And, you can definitely have caffein withdraw, and, overdose to the point of dying on caffeine, if we are to use your rubric of what is "addicting"
  6. You don't have to be severely addicted to be addicted. There are obviously consequences from smoking pot every day. Chronic users continue to use despite these consequences. Full stop. That fulfills every element of the definition of addiction.
  7. No gtagrl, most chronic uses are addicted.They do have withdraw. I know. You cannot present any evidence to refute this. Your point is invalid anyway however. Gambling addicts don't have the withdrawals your describing, but are still very addicted.
  8. Well, it doesnt happen on my end, so i gotta think that it is your phone. Have you tried making sure your phone is accepting cookies? I would also try uninstalling chrome, turning off then back on your phone, and then reinstalling chrome.
  9. How easily I surrender my thoughts to flashes, forgoing real meaning for bangs and lights blinking; Prompted to press "a" my tired thumb bashes. How easily I surrender my thoughts to flashes. Texting with one eye while the other avoids crashes. Someday i'll drift clear past center line while thinking how easily I surrender my thoughts to flashes, forgoing real meaning for bangs and lights blinking.
  10. I'm not sure if you can switch skins before you log in, but try using the mobile skin or the white skin. The green skin is very buggy on ios
  11. Level design is part of gameplay.... You cant have good game play without good level design.
  12. There are plenty of people who never tried to stop drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. Just because you don't try try to quit (and therefore don't have withdrawals) doesn't mean your not addicted. "Addiction is the continued repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors" Adverse consequences for someone who smokes every day are at a minimum opportunity cost in terms of the money spent on the weed (unless you grow your own) and what ever the health affects of smoking are (which, ill concede are probably less than cigarettes)
  13. The games cost the same here..
  14. Some lovers keep score, harvesting envy to build warmth, and passion; something everlasting. Can we feel it? Some heroes ride down dark roads in search of meaning, justice, or even serenity fleeting. Can we find it? Some leaders forfeit faith and stumble chasing grace, influence, or lasting legacy. Can we gain it? We always protect what we're afraid lose, don't we? We always lose what we hold dear. Excrete some pity or hurl empty chant: life's not fair, we take for granted, this or that. We are able to accept failure if we lose control. Posted-note excuses whispering "Better to fail than not try. But we try, but we try." Better to lie? We can never truly feel it, find it, or gain it. The tragedy of commons is the sum of these mistakes. We tiredly toss away each little piece of meaning to barter for a better idea of our soul, but life's meaning is right there, forgotten, in the tragedy of commons.
  15. Step out to smoke a joint? What the fuck is that shit.
  16. Perhaps some advice. If you don't like gays, stay out of the gay bar. Seems fitting about now This topic is about whether or not weed should be legal and do you smoke pot. Not a hookah bar in Amsterdam, brah. Nice try tho.
  17. Then stay out of the weed topic. I don't see the difference between addiction and dependence. And yes, gtagrl, different points of view should not be tolerated. You and the people working to keep weed illegal should get along quite well.