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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1551/43357/ My favorite beer.... Not niche.
  2. Whatever it is, it isnt a major release as they expect earnings to be light this year, even with gta v's release, which means they expect not to release any AAA games the rest of the year. I think gta v next gen would sell a lot of copies, so i don't think that is coming soon either.
  3. I took gtagrl's advice and have started reading the books. I read the first one so far and I'm 5 chapters into the Second one. I only ready about an half an hour at a time... The first book took about 6 months. It was fun reading though.
  4. What did it taste like... 32% sounds almost dangerous unmixed. I'd be pretty fucked up if i drank a pint of jack and coke, which is about 32%, maybe less.
  5. I didn't like the pick, esp considering out needs on defense. I would have rather taken a flyer on one of those cbs that were supposed to go in the 3-4th but due to off the field issues went undrafted. I know that our special teams sucked last year aswell, but I don't think Kai was the issue. Coverage was.
  6. Rockstar is being a bunch pf bitches imo. That GTAV logo in dollar signs really is a punch in the fucking face.
  7. That is one ugly spire. Next terrorist attack should focus on clipping that
  8. Ive been saying that for months. Im glad you lot are finally showing up to the partay.
  9. Qdeathstar


    I doubt the price will be significantly different, but sony should have better software
  10. Sounds like you want money for nothing....
  11. Qdeathstar


    I dont think the ps4 has a browser yet... Games are 59.99 If you lay the controller on your cock, it will vibrate occasionally while playing a game.
  12. I'm currently watching House of cards... It's kinda like if dexter was a politician
  13. D- for the skins draft.... Who drafts a kicker?
  14. Really? Wtf There is a topic for the vikings who somewhere. Resurrection was shit
  15. I vote move IGTA night to tuesday yea well, that's just like, your opinion, man... these kids that whine have no idea what's out there in the real world... crying and yelling about a video game means they truly don't have a life... it's just a fucking game, lol... i'm convinced they're gonna cry about everything, including not getting raises at mcdonalds... Yeah....
  16. Right accept for rockstar isn't our bosses and you're making a shit analogy in every conceivable way.
  17. I think when the Heist missions do come out you'll have to keep various but specific contacts happy by doing missions for them... Eg, you need Lester to help you hack so you got to do 5 missions for him... I'm excited about that bike
  18. Beach bum was free though, even in terms of Gtao money.... I did. I played two sets of coveted. That's mostly irrelevant though. I'm excited about watch dogs. I'm skeptical of mad max, it depends on the reviews. I won't be getting a ps4 until July or August though, unless gta v gets ported sooner.
  19. Yes. I did. I'm sure when you made that post you had greater dlc expectations from rockstar. I know I did Also, you can claim those dlc packs were technically free all you want. For the vast majority of casual gamers who didn't have the time to grind or knowlege to glitch, they weren't.