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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Build a pirate ship, cant be that hard. Also, virtual pirate ships in bloxworld
  2. Im glad they added a new spawn location at the military base, so that instead of spawning in marsh wasteland you spawn near the highway; also, tonight for the first time the military base as extremely active. 5 titans parked by the runway, jets parked inside of the hangers, and cargo bobs and jets flying around and taxying to the runway.... I never seen that for that before.
  3. No one from hear is in that picture though....
  4. Really? I mean, it was good. But not Fallout 3 good, or, GTA 3:Liberty City Good....
  5. My Toyota tundra needs something done with its rims... Ive gotten a flat on two of the tires and the rims on Toyotas seize up to the axil, and you gotta pound them with a pipe until they pop free, puts scratches all over the rims which are aluminum.
  6. Matte plastidip? Ive always imagined that stuff to be shiny. Interesting. I think its a bad idea to paint rims, as they always get dinged up...
  7. Swim likes has oil is it similar? They use a torch
  8. Wont be picking until the early second round
  9. Just stole a high priority vehicle right as someone was driving into the docks with it ... Heh... Dissapointed i still had to get it resprayed! The guy didnt even chase me down?
  10. Chickpeas taste good, and they are meaty
  11. Pureness is shame lacking serenity An orgasm of the holy trinity.
  12. This winter? I dont want to wait that long to buy a ps4
  13. Qdeathstar


    Any games besides that worth playing yet?
  14. That's your car, after you discover rum, Brian.
  15. Its mint rum and sprite. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  16. Whats the deal with the neon green brakes? Can't wait to get her parked up at the beach for some good sunset pics with my camera I would like to see some newyork skyline pictures
  17. Good. I was getting nervous... I'd fuck him
  18. Yeah, we know were kuz's mind goes when he sees a kid...